Category Archives: Environment

Secure Your Future: Environmental Liability Insurance Explained

Environmental risks are becoming more prominent in today’s business landscape. Companies are increasingly held accountable for their impact on the environment, and the penalties for non-compliance can be severe. This is where environmental liability insurance comes in. It’s designed to protect businesses from the financial consequences of environmental incidents, providing a safety net in a world where one misstep could lead to costly fines, legal battles, and reputational damage.

As environmental regulations tighten and public awareness grows, businesses need this type of insurance to ensure they can navigate these challenges without risking their future. For expert guidance on the Future of Environmental Liability Insurance, turn to Rowlands & Hames. They offer tailored advice to help businesses manage environmental risks and find the right insurance coverage, providing a guiding hand in this complex landscape.

Defining Environmental Liability Insurance

Environmental liability insurance is not just for industries working with chemicals and industrial processes. Any business can face environmental liabilities, making this insurance a necessity for all. It covers risks like pollution, contamination, and hazardous waste, mitigating these risks and providing a financial safety net. By having this coverage, businesses can operate with greater confidence, knowing they’re protected against unexpected environmental issues.

Why Environmental Liability Insurance Matters

Environmental liability insurance is not just a luxury. It’s a necessity. Environmental incidents can be not only costly but also damaging to a business’s reputation. Legal penalties can reach millions, and cleanup costs can be even higher. Without this insurance, businesses might struggle to recover. Environmental liability insurance helps cover these expenses, protecting businesses from financial disaster and preserving their reputation.

It also supports a company’s reputation; being seen as environmentally irresponsible can drive away customers, investors, and business partners. The right insurance shows a commitment to environmental responsibility, which is vital in today’s market. To stay relevant in the Future of Environmental Liability Insurance, businesses must maintain comprehensive coverage and adapt to changing regulations, ensuring they are well-informed and prepared.

Types of Environmental Liability Insurance

There are several types of environmental liability insurance, each catering to different business needs. Site-specific coverage focuses on specific locations, protecting environmental risks associated with that site. This type of insurance is ideal for businesses with manufacturing facilities, warehouses, or other fixed locations.

A contractor’s pollution liability is designed for contractors and builders who work on various sites, offering coverage for possible pollution risks during their work. Environmental impairment liability, or EIL insurance, covers a broader range of environmental hazards, including those caused by historical contamination. Understanding these types helps businesses choose the right policy for their unique risks.

Key Features of Environmental Liability Insurance Policies

When selecting an environmental liability insurance policy, key features include coverage limits, which determine how much the insurer will pay in the event of a claim. Pay attention to policy exclusions, as some policies may not cover risks like pre-existing contamination or deliberate environmental violations.

The claims process should be clear and efficient, minimizing delays. Customizable policies are valuable because they can be tailored to your business’s needs. Flexibility in terms and conditions is also a plus, allowing businesses to adjust coverage as operations evolve.

Assessing Your Business’s Environmental Risks

Assessing environmental risks within a business is a critical step in choosing the right insurance policy. Start by identifying common sources of environmental liability. This could include waste disposal practices, chemical handling, industrial processes, and transportation. Consider the potential for environmental damage at your business’s locations or during its operations. Examining any historical contamination affecting your business’s current or future liabilities is also important.

Conducting a thorough risk assessment helps businesses understand where they are most vulnerable and informs their choice of insurance coverage. By understanding these risks, you can select a policy that provides adequate protection.

Choosing a Reliable Environmental Liability Insurance Provider

To get the best environmental liability coverage, choose a reputable insurance provider. Seek one with a solid track record in handling environmental claims. Industry expertise is crucial—providers with experience in your sector are more likely to understand your risks and offer tailored coverage. You’ll want a provider that is responsive and easy to work with.

Reading reviews and asking for recommendations from other businesses can help. A reliable provider offers comprehensive coverage and guides you on risk management and claims processing. For expert advice and personalized service, consider Rowlands & Hames.

Understanding Policy Exclusions in Environmental Liability Insurance

Every insurance policy has exclusions, and environmental liability insurance is no exception. Common exclusions include pre-existing contamination, criminal negligence, and deliberate environmental violations. Some policies might not cover certain types of pollution or may require additional endorsements for specific risks.

Understanding these exclusions is crucial to avoid surprises when filing a claim. To ensure comprehensive coverage, discuss any uncertainties with your insurance provider. You might need additional endorsements to cover specific risks. By knowing your policy’s exclusions, you can make informed decisions and ensure your business has the right protection. For expert guidance on navigating policy exclusions, consult with Rowlands & Hames.


Environmental liability insurance is a key part of a solid risk management strategy. It shields businesses from the financial impacts of environmental incidents, allowing them to operate confidently. Businesses can secure their future and be ready for any environmental risks by choosing the right policy and provider. It’s essential to assess your business’s unique risks, explore policy options, and invest in adequate coverage.

With this insurance, you can focus on growing your business without worrying about unexpected incidents. For expert advice and customized insurance solutions, consider Rowlands & Hames. Visit the website for more information and contact their team.


Transforming Waste into Energy: A Sustainable Path Forward

In a world of climate change and energy scarcity, the innovative conversion of waste into energy stands out as a promising solution. The various technologies and trends in waste-to-energy (WTE) conversion, shedding light on how these advancements can pave the way for a more sustainable and energy-efficient future is what are interested in. The study has been concluded by– London rubbish removal company, which makes researches about the importance of the proper waste management in the UK.

The Urgency of Waste Management:

As global populations continue to burgeon, so does the volume of waste generated. Traditional waste disposal methods, such as landfilling and incineration, contribute significantly to environmental degradation and the release of harmful greenhouse gases. Confronting this crisis requires a paradigm shift towards more sustainable waste management practices, and one key aspect of this shift is the conversion of waste into energy.

  •             Incineration and Energy Recovery:
  •             Incineration has long been a method for waste disposal, but modern waste-to-energy facilities have transformed this practice into a more environmentally friendly process. In traditional incineration, waste is burned at high temperatures, producing heat and steam. The latest trends in incineration focus on energy recovery, where the heat generated is harnessed to produce electricity or to heat nearby buildings.
    Advanced incineration technologies utilise combustion processes with strict emission controls, minimising the release of pollutants into the atmosphere. The recovered energy can be integrated into local power grids, providing a sustainable source of electricity for communities.
  •             Anaerobic Digestion:
  •             Anaerobic digestion is a biological process that decomposes organic waste in the absence of oxygen, producing biogas as a byproduct. This method is particularly effective for managing organic waste, including food scraps and agricultural residues.
    In the latest trends, anaerobic digestion technologies are being scaled up to handle larger volumes of waste. Biogas, primarily composed of methane, can be utilised as a renewable energy source for electricity generation or as a clean fuel for heating and transportation. This not only addresses the issue of organic waste but also contributes to reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
  •             Pyrolysis and Gasification:
  •             Pyrolysis and gasification are thermal processes that convert solid waste into a syngas, which can be used for electricity generation or as a precursor for biofuels and other valuable chemicals. Unlike traditional incineration, these methods operate in controlled environments with limited oxygen, reducing the formation of harmful byproducts.
    The latest trends in pyrolysis and gasification focus on optimising efficiency and enhancing the versatility of the end products. Innovations in reactor design and feedstock flexibility make these technologies adaptable to various types of waste, including plastics and non-recyclable materials. Additionally, the syngas produced can be further processed to extract valuable components, contributing to a circular economy.
  •             Plasma Gasification:
  •             Plasma gasification is an advanced waste-to-energy technology that employs extremely high temperatures generated by plasma arcs to break down waste into its elemental components. This process results in the production of syngas, similar to pyrolysis and gasification, but with even fewer emissions.
    The latest trends in plasma gasification involve improvements in plasma torch technology and reactor design. These advancements enhance the efficiency of the process and increase the range of waste types that can be effectively treated. Plasma gasification offers a potential solution for handling hazardous waste streams, converting them into energy while making environmental impact at minimum.
  •             Integrated Waste Management Systems:
  •             A holistic approach to waste-to-energy involves integrated waste management systems that combine various technologies to make it efficiency and sustainability. These systems often incorporate recycling, composting, and energy recovery in a coordinated fashion.
    The latest trends in integrated waste management systems leverage digital technologies and automation to optimise the sorting and processing of different waste streams. Smart sensors, robotics, and artificial intelligence enable precise sorting, ensuring that materials are directed to the most suitable treatment method, whether it be recycling, energy recovery, or composting.

The Future Landscape of Waste-to-Energy:

As the world grapples with the pressing need for sustainable energy solutions, waste-to-energy technologies are expected to play an increasingly vital role. The latest trends suggest a shift towards more decentralised and community-based systems, reducing the need for extensive transportation of waste and minimising the environmental impact.

  •             Decentralised Waste-to-Energy Facilities:
  •             Waste-to-energy facilities are gaining traction as a sustainable alternative to large centralised plants. These smaller-scale facilities can be strategically located in close proximity to waste sources, reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation.
    The decentralisation trend aligns with the broader movement towards distributed energy systems. Communities can benefit from locally generated energy, fostering resilience and reducing dependence on power grids. The facilities also offer more flexibility in adapting to the specific waste composition of a region.
  •             Community Engagement and Acceptance:
  •             Successful implementation of waste-to-energy projects relies on community acceptance and active engagement. The latest trends emphasise transparent communication and collaboration with local communities to address concerns related to environmental impacts, emissions, and potential health risks.
    Community-based waste-to-energy initiatives involve stakeholders in the decision-making process, ensuring that projects align with the needs and values of the residents. This participatory approach fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, contributing to the overall success and sustainability of waste-to-energy programs.
  •             Technological Integration and Innovation:
  •             Continued innovation in waste-to-energy technologies is essential for efficiency, reducing costs, and expanding the range of treatable waste streams. The integration of emerging technologies, such as blockchain for transparent waste tracking and advanced sensors for real-time monitoring, enhances the overall effectiveness of waste-to-energy systems.
    Research and development efforts focus on improving the economics of waste-to-energy, making it a more competitive and viable solution compared to traditional waste disposal methods. Technological advancements also address challenges related to emissions control, ensuring that the environmental benefits of waste-to-energy are maximised.

Government Support and Policies:

Governments play a crucial role in shaping the landscape of waste-to-energy through supportive policies, regulations, and financial incentives. The importance of sustainable waste management, many governments around the world are implementing measures to encourage the adoption of waste-to-energy technologies.

  •             Renewable Energy Credits and Incentives:
  •             Governments often provide renewable energy credits and financial incentives to waste-to-energy projects, positioning them as contributors to national renewable energy targets. These incentives can include tax credits, grants, and subsidies to offset the initial capital investment and operational costs.
  •             Emission Standards and Regulation:
  •             Stringent emission standards and regulations ensure that waste-to-energy facilities adhere to environmental guidelines. Governments set limits on pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, promoting the use of advanced technologies to emissions less.
  •             Waste Diversion Targets:
  •             Many governments set waste diversion targets, aiming to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. Waste-to-energy projects contribute to these targets by diverting significant portions of municipal solid waste from traditional disposal methods.
  •             Public-Private Partnerships:
  •             Governments may facilitate public-private partnerships to develop and operate waste-to-energy projects. These collaborations leverage the strengths of both sectors, combining governmental oversight and regulatory frameworks with private sector efficiency and innovation.


The transformative potential of converting waste into energy is absolutely important of sustainable waste management and renewable energy production. The latest trends in waste-to-energy technologies reflect a commitment to efficiency, environmental responsibility, and community engagement.

Hydes Brewery Introduces New Environmental Measures Across Its Entire Operation

Salford-based brewer and pub retailer Hydes has announced a raft of new environmental initiatives which will be introduced across the business throughout the year.

The family-owned independent brewery which celebrated its 160th anniversary last year, has introduced numerous initiatives across different areas of the business from the brewery and head office throughout its pub estate.


At the brewery in Salford, new environmental measures include the installation of state of the art inverter drives which control the speed of the motors during the constant brewing process to improve energy savings. A steam generator has also been installed which, although only used when required such as particularly busy production periods, uses far less energy than other power sources.

The brewery has also been fully lagged with insulation material to maximise energy efficiency, LED movement sensor lights installed throughout and voltage optimisers added to use electricity at 230v allowing significant energy savings to be made.


Further additions to the brewery operation include plant automation reducing inefficiencies and downtime, EV charge points and all dray vehicles are fully solar panel battery powered. Initiatives to be implemented throughout the year include the harvesting of rainwater inside the brewery for cask washing use and investment in an energy-efficient heat pump in the brewery for heating and cooling of the office space.


Across the pub estate, a number of Hydes’ pubs have installed LED sensor lighting and EV charging stations. A biomass boiler has been installed at the Stamford Bridge in Chester with the intention of introducing similar energy-efficient boilers to more Hydes pubs.

Pubs across the estate have also committed to recycling cooking oil in kitchens and cutting wastage.


Adam Mayers, Managing Director of Hydes, commented: “We are focussed on driving energy efficiency improvements with the brewery, production areas and across all sites. We are acutely aware that our brewery and pubs have a significant impact on communities and the environment, therefore we must work sustainably and responsibly to ensure we can safeguard the future of our business and protect the planet.

“To help conserve energy a sustainability steering group has been created and meets regularly to review all energy efficiency and environmental practices. As well as making significant operational changes it’s also about making smaller, long-term changes to the way our business runs. We continue to fit LED bulbs every time one is replaced and on all refurbishments. We also ensure energy is regularly monitored so targets can be set and achieved. Voltage optimisation and cellar compartmentalisation has also been incorporated at several sites with additional rollout planned for more pubs.”


Hydes, with its brewery in Media City, was formed in 1863 and supplies beers to wholesalers, pub companies and other brewers throughout the UK and a pub retailing estate of nearly 50 pubs across the North West of England and North Wales.

Hydes operates nearly 50 pubs ranging from Lancaster in the North to Stoke-on Trent in the Midlands and across to North Wales including a wide selection of premium dining destination outlets and traditional community pubs.

European Commission urged to improve stringency of SFDR classifications to fight greenwashing

  • ACCA and CISI call for European Union regulations to be more effective in promoting sustainable finance.
  • Greenwashing rules are a potential barrier to entry and improvements are recommended to drive meaningful investment.


In a response to the European Commission’s Targeted Consultation Document: Implementation of the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR), ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and CISI (the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment) say that the European Commission (EC) has an opportunity to influence wider global regulations including SEC greenwashing rules, using the lessons learnt from the SFDR and other jurisdictions’ regulatory successes in this space.

ACCA and CISI say that to ensure effective regulation, the SFDR needs greater guidance and clarification. The response was informed by the two bodies’ policy positions, sustainability focused engagement across the EU and UK, and roundtable discussion.

Jessica Bingham, policy and insights lead, (EEMA & UK), ACCA, said: “We recognise that SFDR has driven increased transparency for investors, enabling them to make informed decisions based on the sustainability practices of asset managers and the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) characteristics of investments.

“It has led to greater accountability for asset managers and a stronger emphasis on ESG integration in investment decision-making processes. As we shift to genuine impact investment, asset managers are now recognising the value of impact investing as a means to fulfil their fiduciary duty to investors, while also contributing to societal and environmental progress.”

However, adhering to the SFDR’s extensive disclosure requirements can be costly for asset managers, as it requires gathering and analysing vast amounts of ESG data, developing and implementing new reporting systems, and training staff on the regulation’s intricacies. This can put a strain on asset managers’ budgets and limit their resources for other critical initiatives. In some scenarios this has led to sustainability being the first area to cut.

George Littlejohn, CISI senior adviser, said: “ACCA and CISI question the extent of positive impact that the SFDR’s mandatory disclosure requirements have had. We believe that in many ways the nature of the regulation has hindered some firms as opposed to inspiring better practice and investment.

“Despite its positive impacts, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) has also been met with some criticism and concerns.”

The SFDR relies on the availability of high-quality, consistent ESG data to effectively inform investor decision-making and evaluate asset managers’ sustainability practices. However, the current state of ESG data is often fragmented, inconsistent, and lacking standardised definitions. This can make it difficult for asset managers to accurately assess their ESG exposure and report on their performance.

ACCA and CISI acknowledge that this will improve over time, and the introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive will assist in taking significant strides in the right direction. However, there will continue to be a heavy reliance on estimates and challenges will remain in gathering, measuring and analysing non-financial data. This translates across the non-financial reporting sphere and both ACCA and CISI recognise their role in assisting their members through this transition to ensure relevant capacity building and upskilling.

The current SFDR has been a first move in establishing criteria to combat greenwashing. However, it is not at present fulfilling its potential to be effective in promoting sustainable finance. ACCA and CISI urged the EC to consider steps such as:


  • Adopt a transition-focused approach to the SFDR.
  • Introduce more labels for different types of sustainable investments.
  • Phase in the implementation of the SFDR over time.
  • Create more flexibility in the SFDR.
  • Reassess the hierarchy of the labels.
  • Move beyond climate-focused sustainability.


This could enable a more sustainable financial system that aligns with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Visit ACCA’s website for more information.


Speakers Corner Secures B Corp Certification, Recognising its Commitment to Social and Environmental Responsibility

London-based Speakers Corner has added another feather to its cap by securing B Corporation certification. This prestigious recognition underscores the company’s steadfast dedication to upholding high standards of social and environmental responsibility in the events and conference industry.

Earning B Corp status signifies Speakers Corner’s unwavering commitment to not only delivering exceptional events, but also operating as a business that prioritises positive social impact and environmental stewardship. This milestone solidifies Speakers Corner’s position as a leader in ethical and sustainable event solutions.

“We are immensely proud to have achieved B Corp status,” said Nick Gold, Managing Director at Speakers Corner. “This certification embodies our core values and underscores our ongoing commitment to drive positive change within the events industry. It’s a testament to our belief that events can be both impactful and responsible.”

Speakers Corner has consistently demonstrated its dedication to sustainability, community engagement, and fostering an inclusive work environment. Through various initiatives aimed at reducing their carbon footprint, supporting local communities, and advocating for social causes, Speakers Corner has set a benchmark for responsible corporate citizenship within the events sector.

Highlights of our efforts to becoming B Corp certified include:

  • Environmental: Increasing use of electric vehicles which do not produce CO2 emissions for logistical activity in the business means we have saved 1,160,631.92 grams of CO2 emissions.
  • Diversity: employing a diverse team with over 30% of our employees identify as being from a racial or ethnic minority, and almost 50% of our managers identify as women.
  • Employee well-being: all employees are paid above the living wage, plus there is a bonus scheme, and we offer monthly contributions to a health and well-being benefit scheme, as well as monitor and continuously improve our employee engagement and satisfaction.
  • Knowledge sharing: we aim to impart and share the wisdom, experience, and expertise of some of the most brilliant minds and amazing people along with their stories to audiences globally through the power of the spoken word.

As a B Corp accredited business, Speakers Corner joins a global community of organisations committed to redefining success in business by balancing profit with purpose. By meeting rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability, Speakers Corner is at the forefront of transforming the events and conference landscape toward a more sustainable future.

The B Corp certification underscores Speakers Corner’s mission to curate exceptional event experiences for clients while championing positive change in the world.

Ecosoft Water Filters: Your Trusted Solution for Clean and Safe Water

Clean and safe water is not only essential for sustaining life but also for ensuring the overall well-being of individuals and communities. In the face of increasing water pollution and environmental concerns, having access to reliable water filtration systems has become crucial. Ecosoft, a renowned name in the water treatment industry, has been at the forefront of providing innovative and efficient water filtration solutions. With a commitment to quality, sustainability, and consumer satisfaction, Ecosoft Water Filters have emerged as the go-to choice for millions of households and businesses worldwide.

A Legacy of Innovation and Excellence

Ecosoft has established itself as a pioneer in the water treatment industry, with a rich history of innovation and excellence spanning over two decades. Since its inception, the company has consistently strived to develop cutting-edge water filtration technologies that not only meet stringent quality standards but also adhere to environmentally friendly practices. Ecosoft’s team of experienced engineers and researchers continuously work towards creating advanced filtration systems that address the evolving challenges of water purification, setting new benchmarks for the industry.

Comprehensive Range of Water Filtration Solutions

Ecosoft offers a comprehensive range of water filtration solutions tailored to meet diverse consumer needs. Whether it’s for residential, commercial, or industrial applications, Ecosoft has a solution for every requirement. Their product lineup includes countertop and under-sink filters, whole-house filtration systems, reverse osmosis filters, and industrial-scale water treatment solutions. Each product is designed with precision and undergoes rigorous quality testing to ensure maximum efficiency and longevity.

Uncompromising Commitment to Quality and Safety

Quality and safety are non-negotiable aspects when it comes to water filtration, and Ecosoft maintains an unwavering commitment to both. Every component used in their filtration systems is carefully selected and tested to guarantee compliance with international quality standards. Ecosoft products are equipped with state-of-the-art filtration technology that effectively removes impurities, contaminants, and harmful substances, while retaining essential minerals, thus delivering water that is not only clean but also healthy for consumption.

Emphasis on Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility

Ecosoft recognizes the importance of sustainable practices in the water treatment industry and prioritizes environmental responsibility in its operations. The company integrates eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes, aiming to minimize its carbon footprint and reduce environmental impact. Ecosoft’s water filters are designed to be energy-efficient, with some models incorporating innovative recycling features. By promoting the efficient use of water and reducing wastage, Ecosoft actively contributes to the global effort of conserving one of the planet’s most precious resources.

Customer-Centric Approach and Global Reach

Ecosoft’s success can be attributed to its customer-centric approach, which places consumer satisfaction and support at the core of its business operations. The company offers comprehensive pre and post-purchase support, including installation assistance, maintenance guidance, and responsive customer service. Ecosoft’s dedication to providing an exceptional customer experience has resulted in a loyal and satisfied customer base that spans across continents. With a global distribution network and strategic partnerships, Ecosoft ensures that its superior water filtration solutions reach households, businesses, and communities worldwide.

A Vision for a Healthier Future

Ecosoft envisions a future where access to clean and safe water is not a luxury but a fundamental human right. With a strong focus on research and development, the company continues to pioneer groundbreaking technologies that redefine the standards of water filtration. By fostering innovation, promoting sustainability, and advocating for global water conservation, Ecosoft remains dedicated to shaping a healthier and more sustainable world for present and future generations.

In conclusion, Ecosoft Water Filters have positioned themselves as a trusted and reliable solution for ensuring clean and safe water for diverse consumer needs. With a legacy of innovation, a commitment to quality and safety, a focus on sustainability, and a customer-centric approach, Ecosoft stands as a beacon of excellence in the water treatment industry. As the world grapples with environmental challenges, Ecosoft continues to lead the way in providing efficient and effective water filtration solutions, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

A2B Radio Cars paves the way in litter picking initiative

Birmingham’s biggest private hire operator, A2B Radio Cars, is setting an example for keeping the streets clean. In a bid to tackle cleanliness in the Midlands, the organisation has donated £1000 to Clean & Green voluntary community group and have co-hosted a community litter pick.

A2B Radio Cars, a regional brand of the UK’s fastest growing private hire technology platform Veezu, gathered a team of volunteers from their staff to litter-pick across the Smith’s Wood area of North Solihull with eight volunteers from Clean & Green on Thursday 16 November.

Clean & Green, founded by Paul ‘Pablo’ Sultana in 2016, is the largest litter-picking group in North Solihull, boasting a cohort of around 1,110 volunteers. Alongside the physical impact the group have had on the environment, they pride themselves on the impact they are having on attitudes towards littering.

Based on a council estimate that it costs approximately £50 in resources for every bag of litter that is removed from our streets, Thursday’s pick of 35 bags saved the council the equivalent of £1,750.

To combat the perception that taxi drivers were notorious for littering in the area, volunteers from A2B Radio Cars took the opportunity to become more involved with the community and show their support for the local area by joining the litter-pick. Their donation will also support Clean & Green’s community and environmental initiatives going forward.


Graham Hoof, Regional Operations Director for A2B Radio Cars, said: “The work of the volunteers of Clean & Green is hugely admirable in dedicating so much of their time to better their community. Their commitment and sense of responsibility is infectious and goes a long way towards encouraging others to do the same. We are keen to grow our partnership with Clean & Green and further support their efforts.”


Lee Browning, a leader at Clean & Green and councillor for Kingshurst, Solihull, said: “With the generous £1000 donation, we will invest in more equipment. This will include replacing boots, trousers and gloves for protection in woodland areas, and buying a supply of gloves and high vis jackets for existing and future volunteers. Any remaining funds will go towards a free community fundraiser we’re hosting on Saturday 16 December at our local church and community centre.”


Paul Sultana, founder of Clean & Green, said: “North Solihull is more deprived compared to Central and South Solihull which is much more affluent. There are high levels of unemployment here and we recognise the need for more resources which we just don’t have access to. It is great to have a national business like Veezu recognising the need for support in this area of Solihull, which is often overlooked.

“With their enthusiastic volunteers and generous donation, Veezu is setting the example for how any company, regardless of size or industry, can get involved in community work and support their local area.”

Steering the UK Towards Green Hydrogen Energy for Heavy Goods Transport

With climate change at the forefront of global concerns, Protium, a leading green hydrogen energy company in the UK, has recently secured over £30m in funding. This collaboration with the Department for Transport and Innovate UK aims to launch the Hydrogen Aggregated UK Logistics (HyHAUL) project, a revolutionary step towards decarbonising the nation’s heavy goods vehicle (HGV) fleet.


Targeting Emissions from Haulage

The transportation sector, particularly haulage, accounts for a significant 19% of the UK’s domestic transport emissions. The urgency to find alternatives to diesel-powered vehicles is paramount. HyHAUL’s ground-breaking project is set to target the most emission-intensive HGVs, introducing zero-emission vehicles that can bear up to 44 tonnes.


Advancements in HGV Operations

HyHAUL doesn’t merely focus on the vehicles. Understanding the need for an efficient operational ecosystem, the project will also establish a network of refuelling stations. Green hydrogen for these operations will be primarily sourced from South Wales, leveraging Protium’s renowned “Pioneer 2” initiative, among other projects.


Building a Cohesive Hydrogen Infrastructure

Under Protium’s guidance, HyHAUL assembles a comprehensive value chain that encompasses all aspects of long-distance hydrogen HGV operations. From green hydrogen production to refuelling logistics, the consortium includes industry leaders like NRG Riverside, ReFuels’ CNG Fuels, Scania, and Reynolds Logistics.


Data-Driven Decisions for a Greener Future

One of the key benefits of HyHAUL is the rich operational data it provides. This information is pivotal for vehicle manufacturers and fleet operators, offering insights into the performance of the next-gen fuel cell electric trucks. By doing so, it addresses barriers, stimulates demand for green hydrogen, and propels the hydrogen economy across the UK.


Voices from the Project’s Helm

Chris Jackson, CEO of Protium, heralds HyHAUL as a beacon of potential for harnessing green hydrogen in transportation. Emphasising the project’s commercial feasibility, he underscored Protium’s dedication to significantly reducing the UK’s CO2 emissions.


Geoff Tomlinson, Managing Director at FSEW, lauded the breakthroughs in hydrogen fuel cell technology, viewing it as a pivot towards a sustainable future in heavy-goods transport.


Philip Fjeld, CEO of ReFuels, expressed his belief in the HyHAUL project, envisioning a future where hydrogen seamlessly integrates with existing fuel options.


Andrew Reynolds, CEO of Reynolds Logistics, emphasised the company’s pride in championing green initiatives, placing faith in the HyHAUL project.


Russ Markstein, Chief Commercial Officer of NRG Riverside, highlighted the consortium’s commitment to promoting hydrogen-powered transport solutions in the UK.


Aligning with National Visions

HyHAUL seamlessly aligns with the UK Government’s and Welsh Government’s objectives to decarbonise transport. It offers a comprehensive solution that ranges from consolidating the value chain to boosting green hydrogen production.


Encouraging Words from Government Officials

Roads Minister Richard Holden stressed the vital role of freight and logistics in the UK’s economy, highlighting ongoing efforts to invigorate the industry.

Decarbonisation Minister Jesse Norman reemphasised the UK’s leadership role in the global transition to net zero, announcing substantial investments in green tech and zero-emission trucks.

In conclusion, the HyHAUL project is a testament to the UK’s commitment to a sustainable future, driving innovation, creating jobs, and laying the groundwork for a cleaner, greener transport sector.

A guide to greener concreting through low-carbon materials

One of the most important topics of discussion in today’s society is without a doubt sustainability. There are many branches of work where the current focus is producing eco-friendly practices in order to minimize CO2 emissions. One of these branches is concrete construction.

Construction is one of the largest industries in the world. However, it is also responsible for about 8% of global CO2 emissions. A large part of construction having such a huge carbon footprint is the production of concrete.

Why does concrete manufacturing release large amounts of CO2?

Cement is a crucial component in concrete, which also includes aggregates and water. Specifically, Portland cement is made by heating limestone and clay in a kiln. In concrete, the cement and water work together to act as a binder, holding the aggregates in place and giving the mixture its strength.

Unfortunately, cement production is one of the primary sources of carbon dioxide emissions globally. The calcination of limestone is releasing significant amounts of CO2, and the energy-intensive nature of heating materials in kilns often relies on the burning of fossil fuels.

This is why many companies have started to test new types of concrete mixtures that will work equally well, but produce less CO2. Following are some common examples of how we can make concreting greener through using low carbon materials.

Fly Ash and Slag Replacement

One common method used to create low-carbon concrete is to replace cement with a substitute. Usually, a material that does not produce as much CO2, or a material that is a by-product of something else.

For example, derived from the coal combustion process in power plants, fly ash can be a valuable substitute for Portland cement in concrete. Similarly, slag, a by-product of iron and steel production, has also been recognized for its cementitious properties.

By replacing the cement, it is actually possible to minimize the carbon footprint of concreting without compromising the strength and quality. Not only do these substitutions reduce the need for cement, but they also give new life to what would otherwise be waste products.

Natural and Recycled Aggregate

The choice of aggregate can play a pivotal role in the sustainability of a concrete mix. Incorporating recycled aggregates like crushed concrete, glass, or even certain plastics can decrease the overall carbon footprint of the mix.

By using recycled aggregates for sustainable concrete mixtures, one minimizes waste and fosters a circular economy. It is also an affordable option, which is why it is a good option for construction companies that have a budget to stick to.

How to ensure the quality of a low carbon concrete mix

One aspect that, in the past, have worried quite a few people in the concreting industry is whether the quality and strength of green concrete can compare to the regular concrete mixtures. However, by using AI sensors there is no need to worry about that anymore.

AI sensors are a huge step forward in quality assurance of concrete. Mainly because they use AI to perform strength predictions and can help you optimize your concrete mix. So that you don’t use more materials than necessary. By implementing this technology no one has to worry about sustainable concrete being of lesser quality.

Welsh Business MSS Group Partners With Cardiff Rugby

RSK, a global leader in the delivery of sustainable solutions, and its Cardiff-based environmental services company MSS Group are partnering with Cardiff Rugby to use their expertise to help the club achieve its sustainability goals. And the partnership already has players like utility forward Josh Turnbull and flanker Ellis Jenkins talking about their own sustainability goals.

RSK and MSS Group, both principal partners and shirt sponsors, and another RSK environmental business, Nature Positive, will work with Cardiff Rugby to help the club evaluate and reduce its environmental impact by examining a range of factors including team and supporter travel to matches, recycling and food and beverage packaging, waste management along with examining sustainable energy options such solar power.

RSK Chief Executive Officer Alan Ryder said: “RSK is an enthusiastic supporter of sport, and like MSS, which has been supporting the club for more than a decade, we’re looking forward to working together to take our relationship beyond the rugby pitch. We know how passionate Cardiff Rugby is about its commitment to its community. Through the Cardiff Blue Community Foundation, it uses the power and values of sport to inspire, engage and improve opportunities for communities. The environmental impact of all we do, and the choices that we make, affect all of us and we hope to work with the club and the foundation to talk about how we can all make a difference every day.”

Cardiff players Josh Turnbull and Ellis Jenkins prioritise sustainability in their own lives and said they hope to learn more from RSK.

Josh said: “I’m quite environmentally conscious and I’m very aware of things like single-use plastic, staying away from that wherever possible, and teaching my kids good habits around recycling, reusing, and reducing waste. It’s something I’ve become more and more aware of with the increasing exposure of the climate crisis, how much plastic there is in the oceans and things like that. Ultimately, we want this planet to be here for a very long time after us for our kids, their kids and so on. The more sustainable and responsible we can be in all areas of life the longer we will have this planet.

“We’ve had an environmental committee and as a playing group, we are very aware of the challenges and are always driving to be more sustainable in our environment. I was at Glastonbury recently and it was quite an eye opener in terms of how much recycling there is available, the way tents are recycled and turned into flags, sculptures made from recycled products.”

He added: “RSK is clearly driving the standards of sustainability and as a club, we want to be part of that. If they can help us drive those standards, collaborate and work with other partners to be more sustainable, then that is brilliant.”

Ellis agreed, saying: “I have always been passionate about the environment and sustainability, so it is great to see the club continue their partnership with MSS Group, and now their parent company RSK, who is such a major player within that space.

“We already have many sponsors and suppliers who promote sustainability, whether someone like Octopus Energy or our waste management company, so it is great to bring all of this together and take it to a new level with RSK coming on board.

“Personally, I am also trying to make small changes like only buying locally sourced meat to ensure it is farmed responsibly and the food miles are as low as possible. I am really excited to see how this partnership develops in the coming years and how much difference we can all make. Having RSK on board will not only help make us more sustainable as a club but educate us in ways we can all improve our lifestyles to reduce our footprint on the planet.”

Jonathan James, MD at the MSS Group, added, “I am delighted that MSS and the RSK family are continuing our partnership with Cardiff Rugby. We know first-hand the positive influence that the team has on the Cardiff community and South Wales, and I am excited to see the wider effect our collaboration on this important sustainability project will have.”