Read more about these royal pearls from the Caspian Sea – Caviar

What is caviar?

The most interesting and expensive food that is being used as an appetizer – Caviar is also known as Black Gold. It is an unfertilized egg roe that is being processed and takes years for farmers to wait until the sturgeon fish produces eggs. If you are already familiar with the caviar, you would have an idea of how many types of caviar are presently sold out by multiple brands. The female sturgeon fish comes up in a good variety presenting Beluga caviar as the best caviar in the world. Why has it been termed the best caviar? It is because of its unique creamy taste and the black pearly texture – which is why we are here to call it black gold. And is derived from the giant Beluga Sturgeon which takes about 18 years to repeat the cycle of producing eggs – which is ultimately a time taking process and this is why it costs a lot! We often question why is caviar so expensive? One can also look at Caviar for Sale to get caviar at good prices.

Iranian Caviar

When there is a conversation regarding Iranian Exports, among the other things like pistachios, rugs, and oil, caviar also remains an important part to be considered. Because this is Iran’s finest export that results in generating a hefty revenue, even more than that of the crude oil. In today’s world, the Iranian caviar is driven from the Iranian provinces that surround the Caspian Sea. Iranian Beluga Caviar producing fish and other species of sturgeon live in the bottom of the ice-cold brackish water of the Caspian Sea – retaining the exclusive taste in the eggs. It is surprising to note that the fish survives for more than a hundred years! These caviars are authentically processed and sold by high-level brands, for an instance Caspian Monarque based in London sells a huge variety of caviars. You can Buy Beluga Caviar, Almas caviar, sevruga caviar and many more from there.

Why is the price of caviar sky-rocketing?

Before spending a huge amount in USD, you might wonder quite often why it costs so heavy? and yet another question to bother about is how people never hesitate in buying these caviars with frequency? So, to unwind your curiosity, here are certain reasons you must know and keep your heart satisfied and you might become among them who enjoy spending dollars on caviar.

An average American might spend all his money which could have covered all the food costs for a month on just a single serving in the finest restaurants. It is not just an ordinary food but it is known as a luxurious food for hundreds of years. Caviar from the past till now remains the means of opulence. Earlier, it was eaten by everyone, as they could afford it. But later, the Russian Empire changed its status which is still identified as exclusive and luxurious. So basically, it is its royalty that costs it so much.

In past, there were so many sturgeon fishes, and so the product was. As soon as people came to know about the importance of these caviars, they began to hunt the sturgeons. Unfortunately, this decreased the number of fish in the waters. A habitat loss is quite a big reason why sturgeon fishes are rare and the roe from them is costly. Fortunately, there has been a development of an advanced system whereby it doesn’t require killing a fish to extract eggs.

Farming is another expensive process. Because these fishes take about two decades to produce eggs once the cycle is over, the farmers keep an eye on these fishes for that long! After farming, the process of preservation and treatment is another valued step. 

These all factors contribute to increasing the caviar price, which we, the customers, enjoy in our luxurious style! Can you imagine how healthy and tasty it would be if it is costing that much? Click here to try it out!