Prof Matthew Goodwin has called for the Home Secretary to ‘be real with the British people’ about the scale of immigration.
The academic and pollster said unless politicians were honest with people the country would see more riots.
Speaking to Michelle Dewberry on GB News Mr Goodwin said:
“If I could have one conversation with Yvette Cooper, here’s what I would say, apart from ‘don’t do interviews with your husband on mainstream television’.
“I would say, start to be real with the British people, because we know 14,000 removals is not going to come close to the problem facing this country. Start being honest with the British people about the scale of this problem.
“Say you’re about to give amnesty to 50 to 60,000 people in the country. Say we have no serious deterrent. Say that 14,000 isn’t even scratching the surface.
“Just be honest with people, because I’ve watched this for 20 years: politician after politician lying and misleading – on the Conservative Party and in the Labour Party,
“Somebody in this country has to be real with the British people about immigration. They have to be honest. And have to say, look, this is what it’s going to take to solve this issue.
“Because if they don’t, we’re going to have more of the protests, we’re going to have more of the riots.
“What we have in this country now is a policy of mass immigration. Is an extreme policy of mass immigration because it doesn’t reflect the interests of British people, that is building us a low wage, low skill economy that is dependent on cheap migrant workers to keep big business happy.
“Also, by the way, to keep liberals in London happy because they love this feeling of moral righteousness that comes with saying, I like immigration. I want more of it.
“Well, guess what? They’re not going to face the costs of mass immigration. It’s going to be the working class. It’s going to be people outside of London and university towns.
“It’s going to be people in those towns that were rioting and protesting the last couple of weeks, because not only have they had mass immigration and their economies hollowed out, but they were then given the grooming scandal on top of that, and they were told that, actually, they were racist, if they raised any questions about it.
“I think that’s bang out of order, I think people need to be treated with respect in this country, by their political leaders.
“His remarkable thing about Britain I bet nobody knew. It’s not a criminal offence to hire illegal migrants. That’s one thing we could do right now.
“You can be fined for doing it but it is not technically a criminal offence currently. We’re just a soft touch. I mean, the whole system is completely ridiculous.”