4 Simple Ways UK Veterinary Practices Are Improving Candidate Retention

Hiring employees for your veterinary practices is no walk in a park. Maybe you have listed an excellent job advertisement, enticed a number of candidates, and received truckloads of applications. But do you have enough time to run a check on all those applications?

Remember, you don’t just have to fill the vacancy but focus on finding the right candidates with adequate skills and attitude. You have to determine whether the person even worthy of becoming a member of your team. Being in a medical field, one cannot afford even a little risk or error in the hiring process.

Moreover, with the competition of talent getting fierce day by day, the battle of hiring too is at the par. And so in an effort to choose the best employee for their veterinary practices, recruiters have come a long way. They have adopted various efficient methods to streamline their hiring process and recruit highly talented candidates.

So, roll up your sleeves and get to work implementing the recruitment hacks mentioned below.

Recruitment Software

Gone are the days when resume applications used to flood the offices for a job post. Moreover, who knows if you had missed one or two potential candidates while going through the bundle! But, not anymore. With everything going digital, recruitment process too has taken the lead on the internet. Nowadays, we have tools like the recruitment software that eases the recruitment process by analysing each application thoroughly and shortlisting ideal candidates. For instance, ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) also referred to as TMS (Talent Management Systems) has modernised the recruitment process.

ATS has helped many recruitment agencies and companies to acquire skilled candidates in less time. It keeps track of all the recruitment activities like posting job ads and making the offer. Furthermore, it helps sourcing candidates, analysing their potential, tracking interview, evaluating them, and making offers depending upon the performance.

Apart from that, you can also use management software like Trello that helps in organising candidates better. With this tool, everyone involved in the hiring process will get a quick view of the posts to be filled, and other hiring process updates. So, use recruitment software and attract top talent to join your team.

Stand Out and Offer More CPD Opportunities

One of the best ways to entice candidates is by offering them professional development opportunities. It not only reduces recruitment costs but will also upskill your existing workforce. Moreover, being a recruitment manager, it is necessary that you provide refresher training to your staff. This way, you can make sure that they are up to date with work policies and procedures. Sometimes, you might have noticed that although the team is hardworking and passionate, some employees lack the confidence to put themselves ahead for a new course of qualification.

Through CPD (continued professional development), you encourage your team to enhance their personal development. Besides, it also helps them boost their morale, motivation and wellbeing. When the applicants witness growth in their overall work structure, they are likely to proceed for the job and look forward to joining the organisation.

There are a variety of courses that will suit you and your team to enhance their skills. These courses include training workshops, conferences and events, e-learning programs, practice techniques, sharing ideas etc.

Focus on Candidate Retention

During the recruitment process, one needs to focus on attracting employees that are the perfect fill for the vacancy. Recruitment and retention go hand-in-hand. Hiring the right employee means he is likely to stay and help the organisation to grow. The primary key to the recruitment process is to provide a realistic job description to prospective employees. They must know what they are getting into, what is expected of them and what tools they are going to use to perform the job well. Outlining the incorrect details of the profile can backfire, and you may lose a valuable employee.

Furthermore, the applicant’s resume tells a lot about his stability. Make sure he is not looking for a temporary job. You can check for how long he has worked under one organisation. If the candidate lacks stability, he may as well repeat it with you. Right from the start, tell the candidate about the organisation and how it can benefit his/her career.

Convey to them that they are going to perform a significant role in the vet clinic so that they have a sense of satisfaction about their work profile.

Bring in a Specialist

Veterinary practices seldom find time to conduct the recruitment process. Since sourcing the right candidate at the right time is very crucial, this is where we pitch in a specialist to hire talented candidates. A Vet recruiter has a great sight for candidates who are ideal for a hard-to-fill role. Besides, they have sufficient knowledge about the ongoing veterinary jobs UK market trend, like, salary expectations, new technology, and also employee expectations.

Moreover, since the staff may not have enough time to interview and examine a candidate’s skills, they might end up making the wrong decision. Consequently, deceiving the whole purpose of the hiring. On the other hand, a specialist will take extra time to make sure whether the candidate is determined and passionate enough to take up the role.

Not to mention, hiring a specialist is also a great way to save on recruitment process.


What might have seemed like an unachievable task can now be done quickly following the above-mentioned points. Hopefully, these hacks will help you speed up the process and land you some terrific candidates. Do some research and choose the right recruitment software. Arrange training sessions to help the employees obtain skills and boost their morale.

Lastly, hire candidates who do not let you down by quitting mid-way. Keeping up with these tricks will definitely help you form a great vet team!