The Importance Of LOLER Service In Care Homes
Care homes are responsible for ensuring the physical and mental health of many vulnerable residents. In order to keep everyone safe, proper risk assessments need to be implemented on a regular basis. Because of the use of specialist equipment designed to care for residents more easily, accidents and injuries may occur. In order to increase health and safety, adequate training needs to be provided to all care home employees in line with LOLER. Here you will guidance on the importance of this service in care homes.
What Is LOLER Service?
LOLER stands for Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations. It relates to employers or equipment providers who may own, operate, or have control over lifting equipment. This involves lifting loads including people in the care sector. Some examples of specialist equipment in care homes are mobile hoists, stair lifts, bath hoists and standing/raising aids. These regulations require that all lifting equipment is strong and stable enough for the intended use. This needs to be maintained by a system of regular inspections ensuring all operators are well-trained. Moreover, it is important that the correct type of equipment is selected through a thorough risk assessment. Make sure you read the guidance on lifting persons for a detailed understanding of the process and what is involved.
Why Is LOLER Service Important?
Using equipment in any workplace poses certain risks. However, it can be especially dangerous in care homes. There have been accidents caused by poorly maintained low-profiling beds and improperly used bedrails. This has caused stress and pain to many residents who have needed urgent help. Because of this, it is vital that regulations are being met and equipment is serviced consistently. Proper planning and preparation will be key to protecting both staff and residents. NHC Group offers a dedicated asset management portal which can support you with your equipment needs and keep track of every LOLER service due. You will be reminded of every important event automatically eliminating the guesswork from the planning process.
What Does LOLER Testing Involve?
LOLER examinations and testing is crucial to ensuring your equipment is ready to use and safe for its intended task. All hoists and lifting equipment should be examined regularly by a competent person who is LOLER certified. They should have a comprehensive knowledge of the lifting equipment enabling them to assess the weaknesses and defects in relation to safety. These inspections should be performed prior to the initial use at each location, after assemblies as well as every six months while in service. For a more detailed explanation and better preparation, consider looking at this guidance on performing thorough examinations of lifting equipment. This will ensure you are familiar with the specific obligations posed by the health and safety law.
Understanding the risks faced by care home staff and residents is vital to preventing fatal accidents from occurring. It is important that all specialist equipment is compliant with LOLER and inspections are arranged on a regular basis. This will ensure the safety of both residents and care home staff.