Category Archives: Business Expansion

Growing Your Business Internationally: Pitfalls to Avoid and Tips for Success

Global expansion is the natural way for a business to grow beyond its domestic borders and find new markets and customers but, while there’s immense potential, global expansion also comes with its own set of challenges and complexities.


Why Expand Internationally?

Expanding your business internationally offers a multitude of benefits. The most obvious is access to a whole new market and the customers within it. This untapped market could exponentially boost your revenue stream and help diversify your offerings by forcing you to adapt to different cultures and expectations. In some cases, operating internationally can also be more cost-effective and practical. It could include access to cheaper labour, resources, or manufacturing facilities than you’ll find domestically and with the growth of remote work over the last few years, this has never been a more viable option.


How to Expand Internationally: Finding the Right Market

Of course, finding the right market is the first step. For example, you wouldn’t want to expand your craft beer business into an Arabic market just as you wouldn’t want to expand your suntan lotion business into Iceland.

Thoroughly research potential international markets and those with a gap or need for your product or service. Study consumer behaviour, demand, and (of course) the local competition to ascertain whether your business could thrive or struggle. Where you physically establish your business is also something to seriously consider. You might want to be based in close proximity to suppliers and distributors or perhaps in a city centre, where you have direct access to more customers.

Acquiring or merging with an existing business in your target market, meanwhile, provides access to skilled and native employees already well-versed in the industry and local market dynamics. You could also inherit an established customer base, which can jumpstart your operations in the new market.


Tax and Accounting Considerations

Expanding internationally brings complex tax and accounting considerations into play. Fluctuations in exchange rates can impact your revenue and expenses so you must develop strategies to mitigate these risks. Understanding local tax laws and rates is also important. Seek out the expertise of accounting advisors for international expansion to ensure compliance and optimize your tax strategies. Complying with local regulations and accounting standards is also an often tricky balancing act but failure to do so can result in legal issues and financial penalties.


Culture and People

Finally, what is a business without customers? You need to consider the cultural values and needs of a different region as different countries have distinct cultures, both in terms of customers and employees. It’s essential to adapt your products, services, and work culture to align with the values and expectations of the new market without losing sight of what makes your brand special. It’s a very difficult middle ground to find and you might even face employees resigning due to cultural differences. Be prepared for this and try to tread carefully, wherever possible.

Empowеring Business Growth: Thе Valuе of Business Analyst Careers

In today’s fast-changing business world, organisations and companiеs always want to stay ahеad. Onе crucial aspect that can significantly contribute to thеir succеss is thе prеsеncе of qualifiеd businеss analysts. Thеsе often misunderstood profеssionals possеss a uniquе skill sеt that еnablеs thеm to analysе complеx businеss processes, idеntify arеas for improvеmеnt, and drivе innovation.

In this blog post, wе’ll еxplorе thе valuе of businеss analyst careers, cover several BCS courses and explain how these professionals empower businesses to achieve sustainablе growth.

Thе Valuе of Businеss Analyst Carееrs in Driving Organisational Succеss

Businеss analysts arе crucial for undеrstanding markеt trеnds, skillеd at analysing diverse data to idеntify pattеrns that impact how organisations pеrform. With insights into markеt dynamics, thеy aid in making proactivе dеcisions and stratеgic adjustmеnts. Thеy also specialise in studying customеr bеhaviour, using data-drivеn insights to tailor products or sеrvicеs and build customеr loyalty.

A kеy strеngth of businеss analysts liеs in finding arеas for business improvеmеnt within organisations. Through careful analysis of businеss procеssеs, thеy uncovеr inеfficiеnciеs and opportunitiеs for cost-saving or incrеasеd productivity, guiding ongoing еfforts to еnhancе opеrational pеrformancе.

In thе tеch rеalm, businеss analysts usе thеir knowlеdgе to proposе solutions that align with organisational goals, giving businеssеs a compеtitivе еdgе. Thеir ability to grasp markеt trеnds, optimisе procеssеs, and lеvеragе tеchnology contributеs to sustainеd growth in today’s dynamic businеss еnvironmеnt.

Rеalising thе Potеntial of Businеss Analysts to Propеl Growth:

Thе dеmand for skillеd businеss analysts is on thе risе as organisations rеcognisе thе valuе thеy bring in driving growth and innovation. To harnеss thе full potential of businеss analysts, it is еssеntial to providе thеm with comprеhеnsivе training programs that еquip thеm with thе nеcеssary knowledge and skills.

BCS (British Computer Society): Empowеring Businеss Analysts

BCS certifications arе dеsignеd to arm businеss analysts with еssеntial skills for еffеctivе data analysis and businеss procеss optimisation. Thеsе recognised certifications covеr a rangе of data analysis tеchniquеs, including statistical analysis, data visualisation, and prеdictivе modеlling. By mastеring thеsе skills, businеss analysts can еxtract valuablе insights from largе datasеts, еnabling bеttеr dеcision-making and driving businеss growth.

Thе popular Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis course curriculum also divеs into businеss procеss modеlling, providing analysts with tools to idеntify and addrеss inеfficiеnciеs, strеamlinе opеrations, and еnsurе rеsourcе optimisation for on-timе projеct dеlivеry within budgеt.

The Practitioner Certificate in Rеquirеmеnts Engineering is anothеr kеy focus for business analysts, offеring thorough training on mеthodologiеs for gathеring, documеnting, prioritising, and validating rеquirеmеnts. This еnsurеs that tеchnology solutions align with organisational goals and mееt stakеholdеr еxpеctations. 

Additionally, еmphasis is typically on thе importancе of stakеholdеr еngagеmеnt skills, tеaching analysts how to conduct еffеctivе mееtings, managе conflicts, gathеr fееdback, and build strong rеlationships. Thеsе skills arе crucial for aligning projеct objеctivеs with businеss goals and еnsuring succеssful implеmеntation. 

Ovеrall, the The Chartered Institute for IT (BCS) providе a well-rounded range of certifications and diplomas, еnabling businеss analysts to navigatе thе complеxitiеs of data analysis, businеss procеss optimisation, rеquirеmеnts managеmеnt, and stakеholdеr еngagеmеnt with confidеncе and proficiеncy.

Lеvеraging Businеss Analysis Skills to Boost Businеss Pеrformancе:

Businеss analysts possеss a uniquе ability to bridgе thе gap bеtwееn businеss objеctivеs and tеchnology solutions. Thеy еxcеl at idеntifying inеfficiеnciеs in еxisting procеssеs and rеcommеnding improvеmеnts that drivе opеrational еxcеllеncе.

Through thеir еxpеrtisе in businеss procеss modеlling, thеy can strеamlinе workflows, optimisе rеsourcе allocation, and еliminatе bottlеnеcks. This lеads to еnhancеd productivity, cost savings, and improvеd customеr satisfaction.

Additionally, businеss analysts play a crucial rolе in idеntifying еmеrging trеnds and tеchnologiеs that can bе lеvеragеd to gain a compеtitivе еdgе. By staying updatеd on industry advancеmеnts, thеy can proposе innovativе solutions that drivе businеss growth and еnsurе long-tеrm sustainability.

Thеsе contributions not only boost opеrational еfficiеncy but also еnablе organisations to adapt quickly to changing markеt dynamics, ultimatеly lеading to incrеasеd profitability and succеss.

Thе Rolе of Businеss Analysts in Achiеving Organisational Succеss:

Organisational succеss hingеs on thе ability to adapt to changing markеt dynamics еffеctivеly. Businеss analysts sеrvе as catalysts for organisational changе by facilitating sеamlеss transitions during pеriods of transformation or growth.

Thеy work closеly with stakеholdеrs at all lеvеls to undеrstand thеir rеquirеmеnts, align businеss objеctivеs, and implеmеnt stratеgic initiativеs. By еffеctivеly communicating thе bеnеfits of proposеd changеs, businеss analysts fostеr buy-in and еnsurе succеssful implеmеntation. This not only drivеs businеss pеrformancе but also boosts еmployее moralе and еngagеmеnt.

Morеovеr, businеss analysts arе skillеd in data analysis, еnabling thеm to idеntify trеnds, uncovеr insights, and support data-drivеn dеcision-making. This stratеgic approach to problеm-solving еnsurеs that organisations arе wеll-еquippеd to makе informеd choicеs that maximisе thе valuе of thеir rеsourcеs. 

Thеrеforе, invеsting in businеss analysis skills can bе a gamе-changеr for organisations sееking to navigatе thе complеxitiеs of today’s businеss landscapе with agility and succеss.


Thе valuе of businеss analyst carееrs cannot bе undеrstatеd in today’s compеtitivе businеss еnvironmеnt. Thеsе professionals еmpowеr organisations by providing critical insights, optimising procеssеs, and driving innovation. 

By invеsting in recognised qualifications, individuals can acquirе thе nеcеssary skills to excel in this fiеld and contributе to thеir organisation’s growth and succеss. 

Whеthеr it’s idеntifying markеt trеnds, strеamlining opеrations, or spеarhеading organisational changе, qualifiеd businеss analysts arе instrumеntal in propеlling businеssеs towards sustainablе growth. 

Businеss analysts arе truly thе backbonе of succеssful organisations, providing thе knowlеdgе, еxpеrtisе, and guidancе nееdеd to navigatе complеx businеss challеngеs and drivе sustainablе growth. 


How Help Desk Software Can Help Enhance Customer Satisfaction

We all strive toward customer satisfaction as it is a key part of driving business growth. The problem is that you can often encounter lots of issues when communicating with customers or solving concerns. These can be things such as slow response times, inconsistent service quality, and inefficient issue resolutions.

There are several measures you can take to prevent such and enhance customer satisfaction, but one of the best is using comprehensive HR help desk software. Such a system offers several features and functionalities that can help you immensely improve your customer service.

Multichannel Customer Support

There are lots of communication options available today, and each customer has their preferred option. This can be email, live chat, social media, or even traditional phone calls. One of the best things about an HR platform is that it allows you to cater to each of these seamlessly. You will be able to let your customers choose from the many options available today, hence communicating with them on their terms. This way, customers will feel it’s easy for them to reach out to your business.

Centralized Ticket Management

You can have customer inquiries coming in at a fast speed, all from different communication channels. Arguably, the best thing about HR help desk software is that it allows a business to bring all these together in what is known as centralized ticket management. Here, all interactions, whether from email, chat, or social media, are recorded in a single, unified system. They are then assigned ticket numbers as they come in, which means that you won’t stumble upon a customer query or request that went unnoticed or unaddressed. Not only that, but the system will also be able to let you know the requests that are urgent and need to be prioritized.

Automated Ticket Routing

A key part of ensuring that your customers are satisfied is being precise with every request, and this starts right after it’s sent. Normally, you would have a person who reviews all requests and assigns them to various people. The problem with this is that it takes time and is also prone to human error. An HR help desk service makes everything about routing automated. When a request is sent through any platform, it is given a ticket number and then assigned to the right person. User technical issues or queries are immediately directed to your technical team, while billing questions are automatically routed to the finance department. No query will be overlooked, and none will be sent to the wrong department.

Faster Response Times

HR help desk software helps make issue resolutions very fast. When a customer sends a request, the system immediately routes it to the right agent and sends a real-time notification. But even besides that, it knows how to escalate issues that require immediate response. These are identified as high priority, and the agents are then able to resolve them immediately.

A Personal Touch in Customer Support

We live in a world where everything is being personalized, and customer support is one of the best applications of personalization. HR desk software helps achieve this as it offers your support team a comprehensive view of all previous interactions with a specific customer. This includes things such as what they asked about and any preferences that they might have mentioned. Thanks to this, they will feel that they are valued by the company and their satisfaction prioritized.

Feedback Collection for Improvement

Growing a business is all about making improvements, regardless of how small, in every area. HR help desk software helps you take feedback from your customers about how they were served, an option provided at the end of every chat. This way, they can let you know whether the agent they connected to was helpful and knowledgeable. You can also ask users about the overall service you give them as a business, giving you a clear idea of where to improve and how to enhance customer satisfaction.

Rawlings Group Ltd Extends Service Offering with Strategic Acquisition of Paper Bag Company

Rawlings & Son Ltd (Rawlings Group), a multi-brand packaging and drink processing specialist, has acquired Paper Bag Company, in a seven-figure deal advised on by the GS Verde Group.


The acquisition brings together the largest independent glass packaging supplier in the UK and the market-leading supplier of bespoke bags for retail and business.

Rawlings Group has a rich history dating back to 1850, starting out by washing and recycling beer bottles and selling them to breweries. Today, Rawlings Group prides itself on its collaborative approach to packaging development and experience-led service, as well as having a focus on sustainability and working towards environmentally positive options.

Paper Bag Co. has been providing alternatives to plastic bags for businesses and retail spaces since its inception 18 years ago. The business draws on expertise in both digital and traditional printing techniques to create a wide range of high-quality, tailored paper, canvas, and reusable cotton bags for their clients.

Rawlings Group and Paper Bag Co. both prioritise an ethical approach to their products and supply chain. Through their accreditations and supply chain Paper Bag Co can offer a wide range of Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS organic) and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified products; this level of transparency underpins a shared culture and commitment to protect the environment.

Rawlings Group CEO, Tom Wood, said of the acquisition: “The acquisition of Paper Bag Co is an exceptional opportunity for the Rawlings Group. By expanding our product offering in this space we will further develop our range of packaging services that share an ethical and sustainable focus, offering clients an end-to-end service for most packaging requirements.”

Paper Bag Co. CEO, Jon Marling added: “Rawlings Group was the perfect option to continue our journey on a larger platform. The Rawlings team’s ethos and purpose are very much aligned with ours and we are looking forward to developing our people and growing our positive impact & synergies in the future.”

The multidiscipline team at GS Verde Group advised Rawlings at every stage of the transaction, providing legal, financial and tax support for a streamlined and successful corporate transaction.

Opening of 18th office and 130 per cent rise in web traffic signals rapid growth for AGI Global Logistics

INTERNATIONAL road, sea and air freight company AGI Global Logistics has opened its 18th office in the UK and Europe as part of its rapid expansion.

The Bristol-based company opened offices in Felixstowe, Derby, London, Amsterdam, Manchester and Southampton during 2022, with an office in Leeds also opening in June 2023.

The company, founded in 2011 and now employing more than 200 people in the UK and Europe, offers road freight across the UK and Europe, air and sea freight, an express courier service, storage and distribution services, and customs clearance – something that has been even more in demand since Brexit.

The company’s recent growth has been underpinned by a 130 per cent growth in website visitors after having its online content revitalised by Wiltshire creative agency Milk & Tweed.

AGI Marketing Manager Chris Clarke said the company wanted to make more of its digital footprint to help make the most of its office openings, the services offered, as well as meeting the post-Brexit challenge, and AGI tasked Milk & Tweed with increasing its web traffic throughout 2023. “We were typically getting around 50,000 visitors a year so we set a target of 70,000 for 2023,” he said.

“At the halfway point in the year, we had already had over 56,000 visitors so we revised the target to 95,000 – and we are on course to eclipse that as well with a 140 per cent rise in users. We are performing brilliantly in Google searches, often ranking as number one, and our website content has massively evolved, both in terms of quality and quantity.”


Milk & Tweed’s Digital Marketing Account Manager, Meg Fenner-Jamieson, said the agency has used targeted blogs and articles aimed at potential customers searching for help and information about freight and customs clearance to bring in visitors.

“There’s a lot more uncertainty since Brexit so we have analysed the search terms around freight and logistics to come up with relevant articles,” she said. “We have a really good understanding of what Google wants to see so we have been combining what AGI’s customers are searching for with what works for Google to make sure what we write is relevant to both. It’s about finding that sweet spot.”


Chris added: “Milk & Tweed have run an analysis of what the people who need our services are searching for on Google. It might be a keyword or a theme, such as customs forms, and they have produced relevant blogs or articles that answer those queries.”

He said the number of website leads has also more than doubled since working with Milk & Tweed.

The company, which has taken on an additional 80 employees and opened 7 new offices since the start of 2022, believes its website is an important factor in its growth.

“Having educational pieces on our website gives our customers and potential customers reason to come back to it and conveys the fact we are experts in the sector,” said Chris. “People come to us for our experience and expertise in helping them get a package from A to B and we are delivering that.”

He said working with Milk & Tweed has been a positive experience. “I can genuinely say they are the best agency I have worked with,” he said. “We have a fantastic relationship with the team and we get a detailed review every month so we have complete confidence in them. The results we are seeing speak for themselves.”

Find out more about Milk & Tweed’s digital marketing, website and brand design services at Find out more about AGI’s services at

Why An Employer Of Record Is Key To Helping Businesses To Expand Overseas

MANY growing and ambitious businesses will strive for global expansion at some point in their growth trajectory.

To succeed you will need to expand into new markets, grow your business presence, increase margins, and enhance your overall business operations.

And one of the key solutions that employers can add to their arsenal is the use of an Employer of Record (EoR), which helps to simplify hiring and paying an employee in a new state or country.

By using an EoR, businesses can free up time and resources and shield themselves from compliance and legal risk.

One of the leading experts in this field is Steve Malley, Global Director of EoR at HSP Group.

Here, Malley explains why an EoR should be an essential part of any global expansion strategy – and sets out how the HSP group helps its clients to utilize its benefits.


What is an EOR?

An EoR is a third-party organization that acts as the full legal employer of an employee while they do work for another company. An EoR assumes employment responsibilities, legal risks, and compliance responsibilities. It hires employees, executes payroll, administrates benefits and manages other HR functions on your behalf.

An EoR can greatly simplify hiring and paying an employee in a new state or location. By using an EoR, businesses can free up time and resources and shield themselves from compliance and legal risks.


Why is it important?

Serving as a swift-to-implement and risk-mitigating strategy, EoR facilitates businesses in accessing a new talent pool across different countries or regions, eliminating the necessity for establishing a complete legal entity. When executed accurately, this approach carries no potential for contravening local employment or tax regulations.

Navigating unfamiliar employment and tax laws in foreign jurisdictions can expose businesses to substantial risks. However, EoR acts as a protective shield, ensuring full compliance with local regulations. With EoR, companies can confidently operate within the legal framework, minimizing the potential for costly penalties or legal entanglements.

It’s also worth mentioning that especially for start-up businesses, EoR solutions allow businesses to set up in different markets with a leaner financial footprint.

Right off the bat, there’s so many benefits to EoR, but you must make sure you have the right provider onboard to help you achieve these.


What to consider when picking an EOR provider:

The industry has been inundated with service providers that have been coming to market with their own version of the truth, and so decision makers are flooded with information.

Whilst this can be a great thing, allowing you to evaluate all these opinions, such as some people advising on whether it should be direct or non-direct EoR, or lengths of time to employ people in certain countries, it can overcomplicate the process.

Therefore, business owners should aim to find an experienced provider that can not only ensure the minimum requirements such as compliance, but also simplify the process.

Businesses should also consider the transparency of the provider, its knowledge and expertise of different markets, its global mobility, and workforce solutions.


How HSP has created a model to effectively deliver EOR solutions:

HSP has four main offerings as part of our overall EoR solutions:

HSP EoR Offerings
EoR Evaluation – a HSP consulting project to help a customer evaluate if EoR is the right or the wrong answer for them, given their objectives and other available solutions in the market.
Solutioned EoR – HSP ‘white-labeling’ 1 of 3 EoR partners that have been selected through a lengthy RFP exercise.  We will have personas for buyers and EoR providers to better align which EoR provider the work is sourced with based on the buyer profile.
Supported EoR – a ‘managed service’ HSP offering, whereby we sit between the end customer and the EoR provider to ensure the customer has a fully optimized experience.
EoR Graduate – HSP assists a customer with establishing/running their own infrastructure and moving away from the EoR model.  This likely includes some version of setting up an entity, managing registrations, assisting with setting up a bank account, managing payroll, and statutory accounting and tax.


To find out more about HSP Group and how it can assist with global expansion, particularly through the use of EoR solutions, visit the website today at

Flotek acquisition of Toolk-IT marks seventh deal since launch

South Wales IT provider Toolk-IT has been acquired by the Flotek Group, the fast-growing, innovative MSP with an ambitious mission to provide the most customer-centric, fully integrated IT and Telecoms support in the technology market.


Founded by Richard Williams out of the need for an informed IT provider that enables businesses to keep up with diverse and evolving technology demands, Toolk-IT’s comprehensive service offering includes cyber-security, broadband and helpdesk support.


The acquisition, which is Flotek’s seventh since launching in May last year, sees Toolk-IT access further telecoms support and resources through the Group, to augment its offering to clients.


Flotek CEO Jay Ball said: “We are delighted that Toolk-IT has joined the Flotek Group. Since launching we have developed a strong reputation in South Wales and the South West, therefore this acquisition is a natural fit that brings our nationwide client base to over 1,000 and our turnover reach almost £5m, in line with Flotek’s ambitious growth strategy.


“With Richard donning one of our purple shirts and taking on the role of Client Account Consultant, his valuable knowledge and experience complement our existing team and further enhances our ability to provide exceptional customer service to clients.”


An accomplished sales director, Richard boasts over 20 years’ experience in generating new business, account management and accelerated revenue streams in the wholesale telecoms and MSP market.


He said: “I am excited to be joining the Flotek Group and work alongside the ever-growing team. We share an aligned vision of ensuring businesses get the IT and Telecoms support they deserve.


“Combining our current IT expertise with Flotek’s integrated offering enables us to provide greater telecoms services to clients, offering them a more complete solution to meet their needs and fuel their own growth.


The deal follows the Flotek Group’s significant expansion into North Wales, the Midlands and North West England, developing a key target of providing a set-time response to clients through dedicated teams now with local engineers.


Connect with Flotek: at

World-class technical support that elevates customer expectations.

Further to their ever-growing business, PR Lift Equipment would like to extend a big welcome to Ryad Atrouche as Technical Support Specialist to their team.

“Developing our technical department even further ensures that we continue to provide the most reliable and reassuring service to you, our customers” , says PR Sales Director, Lee-Roy Rushforth.

Ryad formerly worked at Arkel Electric Electronic in Turkey and has a great wealth of technical experience supporting Arkel equipment, as well as many other advanced and complex electronic lift systems.

As PR’s dedicated technical support specialist, Ryad will be responsible for collaborating with customers to offer lift technical support with troubleshooting, fixing technical problems such as job sites support. Ryad will also be providing training, looking at data and system logs, testing equipment and much more. All remotely at their customers’ convenience via telephone, email or Whatsapp.

Speaking of his early career Ryad has said “ I graduated in automotive mechatronics and worked in the same field in my native Algeria before moving to Turkey, where I started my career in the elevator industry.

My motivation for entering this field was the opportunity to work with advanced and complex electrical and electronic systems and to make a positive impact on the technical support of customers, by ensuring their complete satisfaction.”

The ability to apply my specialist knowledge to help solve difficult problems and also to maintain and optimise day-to-day elevator operations is the best part of my job.

The most memorable experience of my career so far was when I had the opportunity to participate in one of the biggest exhibitions in the world (Asansor Istanbul).

This gave me the chance to connect with a variety of customers from across the globe and solve a multitude of inquiries. Being able to diagnose and solve major electronic issues in their elevator systems in several minutes that had been causing them problems for several months, was incredibly satisfying.”

Ryad, along with the rest of the PR Lift Equipment team will be hosting a number of dedicated tech Q&A events for Lift technicians, engineers, service/inspection personnel and
Lift consultants each month via Facebook.

Make sure you take full advantage of these “Tech-Talk” sessions by joining their Facebook community:

To find out more about our lift equipment or to speak to an expert, email or call us on 01244 631321.