How Your Business Can Benefit The Environment By Using Eco-Friendly Packaging

As a company, the packaging you use can say a lot to your customers. With many people now becoming increasingly aware of how packaging impacts the environment, companies need to think about how much they use and the materials that go into its manufacture.

Let’s take a look, then, at how your business can help protect the environment through its own use of eco-friendly packaging.


Why is Traditional Packaging Bad For the Environment?

Many manufacturers used plastic in their packaging in the past. This was primarily because it was cheap to produce, and it kept food fresh for longer. However, this reliance on plastic packaging caused a global problem. The packaging that was used doesn’t break down for many years and sometimes not at all. This has caused the plastic to end up in the sea where it traps fish and other marine life.

When this situation became known, there were campaigns to stop using so much plastic, as a means of reducing the amount of waste that ended up in landfill and the sea. This also led to more research and the use of eco-friendly packaging such as paper, cardboard and other materials that can be recycled.

The world of plastics has also changed. Now, there are new materials that look like plastics, but are made from plants and are biodegradable. This allows manufacturers to continue using plastic-like materials but in a more sustainable way.


What Are the Benefits to the Environment of Eco-Friendly Packaging?

There are a number of benefits to using eco-friendly packaging. Some are environmental, while others are centred around your business and its perception from your customers.


A Positive Customer Experience

Many customers are now becoming more aware of the packaging being used. This has led to some actively avoiding companies that are not using sustainable materials in their manufacture.

By switching your existing packaging to something more eco-friendly, you will be showing your customers that you care about the environment and the impact your company has.


Benefits to Wildlife

There are a number of ways that your firm’s packaging can end up in a river or the sea. If someone doesn’t dispose of the packaging properly, then it can cause a lot of damage to the environment and wildlife.

While this isn’t directly your company’s fault, it will look bad, and tarnish the reputation of the brand. By switching to biodegradable packaging, you can ensure that even if it is left in an irresponsible way, it won’t harm the environment and will eventually break down. This means it won’t get tangled up in the river or present the same risk of injury to wildlife.


Less Waste to Landfill

It is estimated that 33% of the 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste generated annually around the world is not managed in an environmentally safe manner. Dumping rubbish into landfill does not get rid of the problem, it merely hides it under the ground where it can make the surrounding earth toxic over time.

By reducing the amount of rubbish that inevitably goes to landfill, you and your business can help ensure there will be less waste buried in the ground and more materials that can be recycled.


Less Raw Materials Needed

Manufacturing new packaging often involves using raw materials such as petroleum-based products to produce plastics, and wood pulp to create cardboard. Continuing to use these raw materials means they are being removed from the planet, causing loss of habitat and changes in the environment.

However, if your company switches to sustainable and recycled materials, then this means less raw material and less waste. There are also plant-based materials that are taken from sustainable sources. This means the packaging can either be recycled or left to degrade naturally.


Becoming Carbon Neutral

Many companies are now becoming aware of their impact on the world and are trying to become carbon neutral. This means they are not creating more carbon than they are using. This is a big task and can take some time to implement fully.

Plant-based packaging can be a way to remove more carbon from the atmosphere as plants breathe in carbon and breathe out oxygen. This process can help offset any carbon that your company might be producing during manufacture.



Companies have a responsibility to their customers and the world in the future to become more environmentally aware. By making a few small changes, companies can make a huge world of difference.

It is a good idea to do research into the products you sell and how they can be packaged to be environmentally friendly while still being safe and secure. With more products coming onto the market all the time, there are more and more opportunities for businesses to make the change and become environmentally friendly.