Stick or twist time for the Bank of England?

Written by Steve Herbert, Industry Commentator

The latest inflation data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) suggests that the Bank of England’s (BoE) interest rate decision on 11 May 2023 will be a remarkably tricky one.

Indeed, it feels very much like a high-stakes hand of the card game known as “Twenty-One”.

Let me explain my thinking…

Winning and losing at “Twenty-One”

Now “Twenty-One” is a devilishly simple game.

Each player is dealt two initial cards from the pack, and the player can then ask for more cards (a twist).  The aim is for the value of the playing cards in the player’s hand to reach that magic number of 21.  And if not 21, then players need to get as close as they can to that target, but without exceeding it and going “bust” (losing).

But you also need to have a score high enough to better the total achieved by other players once everyone has “stuck” and shown their hands.  And there is the challenge.

A score of, say, 17, is generally not high enough to win the hand, but too close to 21 to risk another card and going bust.  Leaving the player facing a big decision as to whether to stick or to twist.  Both carry a significant risk.

The base rate analogy

This is a very good analogy for the difficult interest rate decision now facing the BoE.

The BoE base rate (also known as the bank rate) has increased no less than 11 times in just the last 18 months, from a historic low of 0.1% to the current level of 4.25%.  These rate hikes have been designed to curtail inflation, yet inflation refuses to do what it’s told, remaining stubbornly in double figures.

So, what to do?


Twisting – in the form of yet another interest rate hike – might help curb inflation.  But it is a decision laced with risk.

In particular:

  1. Another rate hike risks putting even more pressure on the banking system (already delicate following the wobble last month in both the US and Swiss Banks). And since 2008 the world is all too aware of the potential impact of a worldwide banking crisis.


  1. The interest rate hikes so far, and indeed many of the other deflationary pressures (such as reduced energy and shipping costs), have yet to work through to the headline UK inflation numbers. It follows that adding yet another braking mechanism before the others have been seen to be effective is a step into the unknown.  Too many inflation countermeasures taking effect simultaneously could accidentally lead to the UK economy crossing the line from inflation to deflation (a very different – but equally difficult – economic challenge for any national economy).


  1. Last – but not least – another interest rate increase will place even more pressure on domestic and commercial borrowers, which in turn risks the currently flatlining UK economy dropping into a recession that the nation would wish to avoid.


So, twisting might be one card too many for the UK economy.


Whereas keeping the base rate as is – or sticking where we are – also carries a very significant potential risk.

For there is a very real concern that the current high level of core inflation could become a long-term, rather than a transitory, problem for the national economy.

The nation has not experienced a lengthy period of high inflation since the 1970s, but those that can remember that decade (or care to look at its history) will note that it was a difficult one for both the national finances and indeed UK society generally.

And the very high rate of food inflation – 19.2% – currently being experienced provides us all with a glimpse of the challenges that persistently high inflation could entail for the economy, businesses, and consumers alike.

It is also worth remembering that the economic medicine given in the 1980s to remove the embedded high inflation problem was necessary, but deeply unpleasant on many levels – leading to a very deep and dark recession. Few who can remember it would want to repeat that experience.

So, this is a very finely balanced decision, and the Bank of England’s Governor, Andrew Bailey, is likely to face criticism whether he takes another interest rate card or not.

And, rather like the game of “Twenty-One”, we won’t know whether the BoE decision was right or wrong until all the other players have shown their hands.

About the author

Steve has a wealth of Director level experience within the benefits sector and is a well known leader within the HR community.  Steve writes about business, HR and finance.

5 Benefits Of Identity Check Technology For Your Digital Transformation

Everything is shifting towards digital platforms, and keeping online transactions and sensitive information secure is crucial. Consequently, many companies are now using identity check technology to strengthen their digital transformation efforts. 

Identity check technology includes processes like authentication and verification, which help to make sure that only authorized users can access sensitive information and perform transactions.

One excellent example is a passport scanner that helps in extracting personal data from the document, such as the user’s name, date of birth, and passport number, and compares it to other data sources to ensure that the user is who they claim to be. 

Identity verification technology is vital for a company’s digital transition endeavors, as it serves numerous important functions. Below are several key factors that underscore the importance of identity verification technology in your digital transformation journey.

1. Enhanced Security

Implementing robust identity verification in digital transactions ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive information and perform transactions. This minimizes the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, and identity theft.

Moreover, identity check technology uses various methods, such as biometric authentication, multi-factor authentication, and real-time identity verification, to validate user identities accurately and quickly. This significantly reduces the chances of fraudulent activities, providing a secure environment for users to interact with your platform.

2. Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory compliance means an organization’s adherence to the laws, policies, and regulations governing its industry or sector. Regulatory compliance is essential in avoiding legal penalties, reducing risk, and protecting the organization’s reputation. 

Identity verification technology aids in regulatory compliance by ensuring that organizations adhere to the necessary laws and guidelines associated with customer identification and data privacy. 

This technology helps businesses confirm the identity of their users, preventing fraudulent activities and meeting the requirements set forth by regulatory bodies, such as Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations. 

3. Data Analytics

Businesses can leverage data analytics to examine and interpret large data sets, uncovering valuable insights, patterns, and trends. They employ various statistical and computational techniques to analyze data and extract meaningful information that informs decision-making.

Identity check technology enhances data analytics by providing accurate and verified user information, which in turn allows organizations to make well-informed decisions based on reliable data. 

By ensuring that user identities are authentic, businesses can collect clean and relevant data that truly reflects their user base. This helps in generating precise insights, identifying trends, and uncovering patterns that can drive effective decision-making and targeted marketing strategies. 

Furthermore, with accurate user data, organizations can optimize their products and services, improving overall customer experience and satisfaction.

4. Cost Savings

With identity check technology, businesses can reduce costs associated with manual identity verification processes, such as hiring additional staff, paperwork, and errors. By automating the identity verification process, businesses save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on manual verification processes. This technology helps companies to streamline their operations and reduce the time it takes to onboard new customers or employees.

In addition, automated identity verification processes are more accurate and reliable than manual processes, reducing the risk of errors that could lead to costly mistakes. For example, an error in identity validation may lead to fraudulent activities, monetary losses, or harm to the organization’s brand, all of which could be expensive to remedy. 

Automating the process ensures that each identity verification is carried out consistently, minimizing the risk of errors.

5. Improved User Experience

Identity check technology can significantly improve the user experience in digital transformation by streamlining the user verification process. This technology can verify the identity of users quickly and accurately, reducing the time and effort required to complete the verification process. As a result, users can enjoy a more seamless and efficient experience when accessing digital services.

For example, a user may be required to verify their identity when signing up for a new online service or when accessing a secure website area. Without identity check technology, this process may involve manual verification methods such as submitting copies of identification documents and waiting for verification from a human administrator. Users can find the process time-consuming and frustrating, which may cause them to abandon it altogether.


The integration of identity check technology is a crucial aspect of digital transformation, providing businesses with a secure and reliable way to verify the identity of their customers and employees. It offers several benefits that help companies to operate more efficiently, save time, and reduce the risk of fraud.

With the increasing importance of digital transformation in today’s business landscape, it’s essential for businesses to adopt advanced identity check technologies to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their customers.


How Is Field Marketing Beneficial For Brands

Businesses rely on marketing as a means to increase their customer base and revenue. However, there isn’t just one magic formula to success, there are several approaches you should include in your marketing strategy. For instance, there are conventional, digital, field, and other types of marketing, all of which are beneficial in their own way.

However, one of the key approaches to a successful marketing strategy is field marketing. If you aren’t currently employing field marketing or aren’t sure how to include it in your own approach, keep reading. In this article, you’ll learn what it is and how it can help your brand.

What is Field Marketing?

Field marketing is a technique used by highly educated individuals to establish brands, customer connections, and lead generation for a client or organization. It’s a measurable method that often necessitates direct interaction with prospects and consumers.

The services provided by field marketers to businesses have evolved significantly during the last decade. However, there are still opportunities to further propel the company with this strategy. It’s all about how you structure your field marketing team.

What Are the Different Kinds of Field Marketing Campaigns?

In order to accomplish their objectives, field marketers now have access to a wide variety of campaign formats, such as:

  • Product demos, freebies, and interactive events. These are the most typical forms of this kind of field marketing.
  • Direct selling. Field marketers have a supply of products on hand in case a demo results in a sale.
  • Guerilla marketing. This gives field marketers more freedom to do new things, such as conducting their campaign in an unexpected place. In many cases, it requires ‘feet on the street’ together with a great deal of creative spirit and drive.
  • Retail audits. To gauge the success of retailer relationships, a field marketing team regularly visits retail locations to collect data on in-store signage, promotional materials, items, etc.
  • Tradeshows. For organizations, this is a great way to introduce their newest offerings to clients and possible business associates. 
  • Conferences. Providing valuable information is a great strategy to get B2B customers interested in your event and brand.

Why Should You Use Field Marketing?

Field marketing is one of the many different types of marketing that companies can utilize to obtain quantifiable outcomes. If you run a successful field marketing campaign, you might see the following results.

Improve Your Brand’s Image

How potential buyers visualize your company is very important. If your audience doesn’t know or like you, they won’t do business with you. Having brand ambassadors present at events is a great way to improve your company’s image and win over new clients.

Convince a Skeptical Customer

What should you do if certain individuals don’t like or trust your brand? It can affect sales, particularly in today’s market when people listen to their friends and family more than they do to advertising. To address this, deploy field marketers to events to answer inquiries, provide samples, and demonstrate products and services.

Create a Bond With Your Clientele

When feasible, field marketers can offer in-person consumer interactions. This creates long-lasting impressions on potential customers, who can one day become paying clients. 

The importance of in-person gatherings is reflected in the fact that 85% of event organizers want to hold at least 3 such gatherings each year, and 35% intend to host at least 10. Building connections and trust through shared experiences is a powerful tool.

Ease the Burden on the Sales Staff

A large number of field marketers double as extended salespeople, relieving pressure on your core sales force. Event sales is a side hustle for field marketers.

Find and Pursue Your Niche Market

Both online and offline promotional strategies can help you get your name out there and attract more of your ideal customers. Neither, however, can match the precision of field marketing in terms of targeting a certain demographic. It’s possible to specifically target customers that match specified profiles during events, both online and offline.

Some degree of improved audience targeting is possible with digital marketing. However, conventional methods of advertising, such as billboards and television, and radio spots, are incapable of doing this.

Result in Measurable ROI

Because of the availability of timely data, the ROI of field marketing is much simpler to calculate. The number of persons that inquired, picked up a brochure or catalog, tested a freebie, and ultimately bought anything is one such metric.

Lessen the Expense of Advertising

You can easily increase or decrease the budget for field marketing initiatives as required. Then, in certain instances, you can collaborate with a performance-based third-party store.


Final Thoughts

Successful field marketing can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line. Increased revenue, a better reputation for your company, and more are all possible results. It’s not as simple as you may think to promote your company out in the field. If you want to deploy field marketing effectively, it’s important to have a solid strategy and the appropriate tools.

How to increase the profitability of your beauty salon

Ensuring good profitability for your salon will help you as an owner reach financial stability and provide you the opportunity to reinvest in your business. Without profit, you may struggle to pay the rent of your premises, pay your staff or replenish your stock.

If you’re worried about your salon’s profitability, here are five ways to ensure your business plan is more financially stable.

Offer upsells and add-ons

Upselling is an excellent way of increasing profitability. Small and frequent additional purchases can make all the difference. Charging a small fee on top of a treatment or service to enhance the client’s experience is an ideal incentive for that extra purchase.

For example, if you have a tanning salon, you could sell add-ons such as tan accelerators to ultimately upgrade the treatment for the client. This helps you to showcase your products and encourages your clients to repurchase if they have seen great results.

Implement loyalty programmes

Loyalty programmes can create satisfied customers and encourage customer retention. Customers who return and make repeat purchases generate the most profit, compared to new customers who are visiting as a one-off.

Consider offering your customers a loyalty card where they receive stamps every time they book a treatment. When they reach a certain number of visits, reward them with a free treatment or service of their choice.

Optimise pricing

It could be worth taking a deep dive into your pricing strategy, ensuring you’re being competitive without underselling your services. Identify the treatments which currently take the fewest bookings, reviewing why this is and whether you’re charging too much for the service.

You should also reconsider the treatments with the lowest profit margin and decide whether you should continue offering these. Focus more on the popular treatments and double down on what your clients are specifically requesting.

Invest in marketing

Ensuring you get customers through the door of your salon is crucial to making profit. By investing in marketing, both online and offline, you’ll be spreading awareness of your salon and informing your audience of the services you have to offer.

It’s not always as simple as relying on word of mouth. Advertising your services online can help you reach a wider audience. Plus, ensuring all the relevant details about your salon are easily accessible can help potential customers decide whether they want to book with you or not.

Manage inventory efficiency

Having the relevant inventory control is crucial for the everyday operations of your salon. Ensuring you have enough products required for the treatment you’re offering can help you avoid any last-minute cancellations and losing potential revenue in a situation that could have been avoided.

Goal to grow women’s football at leading college on target following Italy tournament

THE goal to grow women’s football at a leading college is on target following a successful international tournament.

Coleg Cambria lecturer and coach Sean Regan says prospective students can capitalise on a rise in interest and opportunities to play, train and gain a first-class education at the north east Wales institution, based in Deeside, Wrexham, Llysfasi and Northop.

Sean – who recently returned from managing the Welsh Colleges Women’s squad at a competition in Rome – is hopeful more girls will take advantage of their first-class facilities and capitalise on the chance to represent the college and their nation at home and on the international stage.

“The tournament we have just returned from in Italy was an incredible experience for the whole squad, including three students from Cambria,” said Sean.

“They got to wear the red of Wales, hear the national anthem played before each match and take on other countries, so it was a really proud moment for all of us.”

Players from Colegau Ceredigion, Gower, St David’s and Cymoedd also participated in the event, which included an Italy U21s select XI, a regional side, England Colleges and teams from Greece and Canada.

Among the 26-strong group of coaches and players were Seren Cashen, from TNS, Wrexham’s Lily Whitefoot and Sienna Strapp, a nominee for Cambria’s BTEC Sports Student of the Year and member of the Connah’s Quay Nomads women’s set-up.

Sienna is one of several young players developing their skills in tandem with an education at Cambria, and Sean is confident – with exciting plans in the pipeline to develop their sports programmes in partnership with grassroots clubs in the region – their provision will continue to improve and grow.

“We are in discussions with numerous organisations to forge new relationships and provide even more opportunities, with a focus on diversity and inclusion,” said Sean.

“As well as a fantastic academic offering we want to build on the development of players, so they excel both on and off the pitch.

“It’s a case of watch this space but we are trying to offer a wider footprint that has a long-lasting impact for both women and men in this area.

“For any youngster wanting to study while achieving a qualification, Coleg Cambria is the place to be – it’s definitely an exciting time to join us and we are very positive about what lies ahead.”

For the latest news and information from Coleg Cambria, visit

Finding the right retirement property

When it comes to choosing a new home, it pays to plan ahead, and this is arguably even more important when it comes to retirement.

Whilst the Chancellor’s Spring Budget on 15 March increased the annual tax free allowance for adding to your pension pot from £40,000 to £60,000 as of 6 April 2023, any bricks and mortar investment that you make is equally as important as your liquid assets.

For many retirees, the idea of downsizing appeals since it means you are not only likely to free up capital from your existing home, but if you need a mortgage for your next property this is likely to be considerably cheaper on a smaller house. The costs of running and maintaining said house when it comes to utility bills, council tax and the like will also be more affordable and in the current cost of living crisis this is certainly a bonus.

Whether you are looking to downsize in your local area, or retirement brings a relocation to a completely different area of the UK – or even further afield – there are a number of considerations you need to make when it comes to finding the right retirement property.


Location, location, location

If your commute to work no longer dictates where you live, you want to move closer to family or friends, or you just fancy a complete change of pace, then your property search may take you to a different area of the UK entirely.

According to the Office for National Statistics, the most popular places to retire to in the UK were as follows in 2022.







East Suffolk

Tendring, Essex

Cheshire East

East Devon

East Riding of Yorkshire


Whilst the south coast is perennially popular with retirees, it often has the price tag to match its popularity, so consider areas like Northumberland, Yorkshire or Cheshire where your money will go further, and the hordes of tourists are likely to be more manageable come the summer months!

Speak to local estate agents in your chosen area and do your own research on property prices there to make sure you could realistically afford to buy the type of property you are looking for in the area(s) you like.



 If your dream move takes you away from an urban area to a more rural setting, really consider the amenities you take for granted now such as good transport links, shops, eateries and essential services. If you would rather leave the car at home, a good local bus service and/or a local train station are a must. A home that is walking distance from a post office and convenience shop for essentials like milk and bread is also going to be useful.

If you are moving to a completely new town or village then social hubs like sports clubs, village halls, libraries and a local pub make it that bit easier to integrate with the community and meet like-minded folk with similar interests. If you have any particular hobbies you want to devote more time to, then it is worth checking out whether you will have easy access to these hobbies in your new area. A fan of golf? Is there a club nearby that you can join? Love to swim or flex those muscles in a spin class or yoga? Then a decent gym or leisure centre on the doorstep is essential.


Future-proofing your purchase

No one knows what the future holds. But if you are buying a new home then you want to make sure you have the best chance of living in it for as long as possible. Whilst thoughts of residential and nursing homes may be a long way off for now, making sure you have easy access to medical care and a pharmacy, GP and hospital within easy reach is a sensible move.

If you really fall in love with a particular property, also think about any features that may become a problem later such as lots of stairs, a steep drive or a lack of pavements or accessible paths to and from the property. Flexibility is key too, and if you have the option of plenty of downstairs living space, or the possibility of creating it, this is always useful. If your home is likely to need some alterations in the years to come but ticks all of the other boxes, make sure you have set aside the necessary savings for future renovations.

If you are moving from a house to a flat, particularly a flat in a complex designed specifically with the over 55s in mind, you also need to be aware of any on-going service charges or ground rent fees and factor these into your outgoings. Most flats are sold on a leasehold basis, which means your ownership only lasts for a fixed term. The lease may also stipulate how you use the property and the type of improvements you can make to it. Most leases run for a term of 125 years but always check how long is left on the lease before you purchase it. A shorter lease of 80 years or less can make a property difficult to resell and extending a lease can be costly.

Whatever property you choose, moving house is an expensive business – costing around £10,000 on average each time – so take your time weighing up the best options for you as you don’t want to dip into that pension pot any more than you have to!


Can you release some capital from your existing property?

When it comes to purchasing a new home in retirement, you need to make sure that you have an accurate idea of the current value of your existing home too. This will give you an idea of how much money you will have to spend on your next home and allow you to work out the kind of savings you could add to the retirement pot as a result of downsizing. Start with an online valuation from companies such as Yopa and then consider arranging a no obligation, in person valuation from a number of local estate agents who know the market in your area well.

It is important to consider how you sell your home as well. If you have the time and inclination to do so, becoming more involved in the process by arranging and hosting viewings and/or negotiating directly with prospective buyers can save you a considerable sum on estate agent fees. Many online estate agents offer these kind of flexible options when it comes to selling. The Home Owners Alliance provides a useful comparison of a range of online estate agents.

Why You Should Choose an ISO 9001 Certified Sheet Metal Fabricator

Are you searching for a reliable sheet metal fabricator who can produce high-quality products at a reasonable price? If so, you should consider choosing an ISO 9001 certified sheet metal fabricator.

ISO 9001 is an international standard that sets out the criteria for a quality management system. Companies that are certified to this standard have demonstrated their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. In this article, we’ll explore why you should choose an ISO 9001 certified sheet metal fabricator for your next project.


Sheet metal fabrication is the process of cutting, bending, and shaping metal sheets to create a product or component. The process requires a high degree of accuracy and precision, and the quality of the final product depends on the skills and expertise of the fabricator.

If you want to ensure that your sheet metal products are manufactured to the highest standards, you should choose a sheet metal fabricator who has an ISO 9001 certification. Here are some reasons why.

Quality Management System

ISO 9001 certification requires a company to establish a comprehensive quality management system that covers all aspects of its operations. This includes:

  • Documenting and following standard operating procedures
  • Ensuring that all employees are trained and competent
  • Monitoring and measuring performance
  • Continuously improving processes and procedures

By choosing an ISO 9001 certified sheet metal fabricator, you can be confident that they have a robust quality management system in place that is designed to ensure consistent quality.

Improved Product Quality

One of the key benefits of an ISO 9001 certification is improved product quality. By implementing a quality management system, companies can identify and address issues before they become major problems. This means that products are manufactured to a high standard and are less likely to have defects or quality issues.

Consistent Performance

ISO 9001 certified companies are required to track and measure their performance against specific metrics. This means that they are constantly monitoring their operations and looking for ways to improve. As a result, you can expect consistent performance from an ISO 9001 certified sheet metal fabricator.

Reduced Risk

Choosing an ISO 9001 certified sheet metal fabricator can help to reduce the risk associated with your project. By working with a company that has a robust quality management system in place, you can be confident that they are taking steps to mitigate risks and avoid potential issues.

Competitive Advantage

By choosing an ISO 9001 certified sheet metal fabricator, you can gain a competitive advantage. Many companies require their suppliers to be certified to this standard, so having an ISO 9001 certification can open up new business opportunities.

Customer Satisfaction

At the end of the day, the success of your project depends on customer satisfaction. By choosing an ISO 9001 certified sheet metal fabricator, you can be confident that they are committed to meeting your needs and delivering a high-quality product. This can help to improve customer satisfaction and build long-term relationships.


What is ISO 9001 certification?

ISO 9001 is an international standard that sets out the criteria for a quality management system. Companies that are certified to this standard have demonstrated their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

Why is ISO 9001 certification important for sheet metal fabrication?

Sheet metal fabrication requires a high degree of accuracy and precision. By choosing an ISO 9001 certified sheet metal fabricator, you can be confident that they have a robust quality management system in place that is designed to ensure consistent quality.

What are the benefits of choosing an ISO 9001 certified sheet metal fabricator?

Some of the key benefits include improved product quality, consistent performance, reduced risk, competitive advantage, and improved customer satisfaction.

How do you know if a sheet metal fabricator is ISO 9001 certified?

You can usually find information about a company’s certifications on their website. If you’re not sure, you can ask the company directly.

Is ISO 9001 certification expensive?

The cost of certification varies depending on the size and complexity of the organization. However, many companies find that the benefits of certification outweigh the costs.

Are there any other certifications or standards that sheet metal fabricators should have?

There are several other certifications and standards that sheet metal fabricators may hold, depending on the industry they serve. Some examples include AS9100 for the aerospace industry and ISO 13485 for the medical device industry.

The Takeaway

Choosing the right sheet metal fabricator is essential if you want to ensure that your products are of the highest quality. By choosing an ISO 9001 certified sheet metal fabricator, you can be confident that they have a comprehensive quality management system in place that is designed to ensure consistent quality.

An ISO 9001 certification is a clear indication that a company is committed to meeting customer and regulatory requirements, and is constantly looking for ways to improve its operations. By working with an ISO 9001 certified sheet metal fabricator, you can reduce the risk associated with your project, gain a competitive advantage, and improve customer satisfaction.

So, if you’re in the market for a sheet metal fabricator, make sure to choose one that is ISO 9001 certified. It’s a decision that can pay dividends in the long run.

Remember, quality and consistency should be your top priority when choosing a sheet metal fabricator. An ISO 9001 certification is one of the best ways to ensure that you’re working with a company that takes quality seriously.


Panasonic joins the circular economy with new sustainability initiative

Panasonic TOUGHBOOK Europe updates on latest wide ranging sustainability initiatives.

As a leading European rugged mobile computing manufacturer, the Panasonic TOUGHBOOK team has been focusing on the major challenging aspects of sustainability for the industry. Today it is announcing a number of initiatives as part of its corporate GREEN IMPACT strategy to reduce the impact of production and consumption by extending the life of its products.

Extending device life

TOUGHBOOK Revive is a new not-for-profit sustainability programme giving European customers the opportunity to donate retired TOUGHBOOK devices to be revived or responsibly recycled. TOUGHBOOK devices that can be refurbished at the European Service Centre in Cardiff will be donated to charitable causes or resold on the second-hand market to support organisations working towards their sustainability goals. Any revenues from the scheme will go towards supporting the costs of device refurbishment.

Organisations taking advantage of TOUGHBOOK Revive will be contributing to a circular economy by helping to meet zero waste targets, supporting charitable giving and demonstrating sustainable recycling practices to customers and staff. Organisations participating will receive a certificate of donation.

Sustainability by design

Panasonic is also continuing to invest heavily in the sustainable design of TOUGHBOOK products. The introduction of modular design rugged devices, such as the TOUGHBOOK 40, 55 and G2, extend the life and use of the notebooks and tablets by allowing users to modify the device quickly and easily for different challenges by equipping different expansion areas. To complement this approach, the company has focused on backward compatible accessories which means that essential elements of the TOUGHBOOK ecosystem, such as power adapters, docks and battery packs, do not have to be replaced when devices are upgraded.

In addition, TOUGHBOOK devices ship in plastic-free packaging and all precious metals within the devices are recovered at end of life as part of The Royal Mint programme in the UK. The Royal Mint has signed an agreement with Canadian clean tech start up Excir to introduce a world first technology to the UK, which will enable it to safely retrieve and recycle gold and other precious metals from electronic waste.

Net Zero Goals

All these initiatives are underpinned by Panasonic’s “GREEN IMPACT” sustainability programme at global group level. Here Panasonic has committed to achieve net zero carbon emissions for its own business operations by 2030 and across its entire value chain by 2050. It is delivering on these goals by scaling-up clean energy generation and utilisation of renewable energy, reducing energy consumption through optimised energy efficiency and reducing resource consumption and waste through circular economic practices.

Growing towards sustainability

Away from its own operations, Panasonic TOUGHBOOK is supporting the Bavarian State Forests in Germany with climate resistant tree planting. Under the TOUGH Trees programme, 1,000 seedlings will be planted to help transform the woodlands into climate-resistant forests.

“There are no quick fixes but we are determined to continue putting sustainability at the heart of everything we do,” said Daichi Kato, Head of Mobile Solutions Division at Panasonic Connect Europe. “This starts with our global commitments to net zero and extends through the entire circularity of our products with the commitment to improving the environment we live in. I’m sure that our customers will embrace programmes like TOUGHBOOK Revive to help create a more sustainable future with us.”


Noname Security and IBM Collaborate to Deliver Advanced API Security Offerings

Leading API Security Provider Intends to Bring Increased Protections to IBM API Connect®

 Noname Security, a leading provider in API security, today announced its collaboration with IBM (NYSE: IBM) to potentially help further protect customers from vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and design flaws. With the new Noname Advanced API Security for IBM, customers will be able to leverage Noname Security’s API security solution, combined with the standing enterprise security capabilities of IBM DataPower, to provide an additional layer of protection for IBM API Connect.

According to Gartner®1, “the explosive growth of APIs is expanding the attack surface of organisations, giving malicious actors new breach and data-exfiltration opportunities”. APIs provide an entry point to cloud resources and data and thereby can open companies up to potential security vulnerabilities, especially when not properly managed or secured. Proactive API security is critical to help protect workloads, data and infrastructure, across the hybrid cloud, from unauthorised access, data breaches, and other cybersecurity threats.

By leveraging Noname Security technology with IBM API Connect and IBM DataPower, customers will be able to experience advanced API management capabilities and automatically discover APIs (both managed and unmanaged), providing insights into API behaviour, and support compliance requirements.

“Our enterprise customers require the best security when using APIs across their organisation,” said Eileen Lowry, Vice President, IBM Automation – Integration at IBM. “By collaborating with Noname Security, we intend to add an additional layer of security to our solutions and will continue to help protect IBM API Connect customers from potential cyber threats. We intend to bring an innovative provider of intelligent API security solutions to IBM API Connect and IBM DataPower.”

IBM API Connect is a security-rich API management solution that uses an intuitive experience to help consistently create, manage, protect, socialise and monetise APIs, helping power digital transformation on premises and across clouds. IBM API Connect works cohesively with the IBM DataPower enterprise gateway to provide secured access to data and business applications wherever they reside, on-premises and across clouds.  With the Noname API Security Platform, enterprise customers will receive cutting-edge API security, including discovery, posture management, runtime protection, and security testing.

“APIs have continued to be a threat for organisations when not properly managed or secured,” said Shay Levi, Co-Founder and CTO at Noname Security. “By collaborating with IBM, we will bring our best-in-class API security solution to IBM customers to further protect them against cyber-attacks. We’re excited to work closely with IBM to help ensure their customers are more robustly protected against growing API security threats.”

This collaboration is intended to enable customers to build additional levels of security in their response with AI-powered posture management, API discovery and behavioural threat detection, including the ability to:

  • Discover APIs in their estate, using data classification and context-aware analysis to create the most accurate and complete inventory.
  • Analyse and assess APIs for misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, and alignment to best practices with suggested remediation steps.
  • Detect potentially abnormal API traffic in real-time to identify and block potential malicious activity

 1 Source: Gartner, API Security Maturity Model, November 30, 2022. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

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  • Noname’s API Security Disconnect Research Report 2022
  • The 2022 API Security Trends Report


Robust Growth Expectations are Fuelling Network Security Investment, Reveal Communication Service Providers in UK Research from A10 Networks

All the UK communication service providers (CSPs) surveyed believe robust growth in traffic volumes will continue in the next 2-3 years with two-thirds (67%) expecting traffic to rise by 50% or more. 


A10 Networks today published research, Global Communication Service Providers: Market Growth Fuels Security Investments, revealing the priorities, expectations, and perspectives of CSPs across the globe as they evolve and expand their services and infrastructure in an increasingly complex digital environment.

The study was undertaken by independent research organisation, Opinion Matters, among 2,750 senior IT professionals from a range of communication service providers across 11 regions around the world, with 250 UK respondents surveyed.*

It found that all (100%) of UK service providers surveyed expect to see traffic volumes rise in the next 2-3 years. Two thirds of respondents expect to see traffic increase by 50% or more – with one quarter (25%) believing it will soar by 75% or more.

As a result, four key themes ran throughout A10 Networks’ second UK CSP survey. These were: focusing on investment, preparing for growth, expanding services to meet underserved communities, and seizing opportunities to expand into new markets with new services.

Commenting on the positive growth levels, Anthony Webb, vice-president of A10 International, said: “These predictions align with the sustained traffic growth we’ve seen in recent years. Although the pandemic created a one-off burst in growth which we witnessed in our 2021 survey, with 98% of UK CSPs surveyed stating this, we are now seeing more sustained patterns emerging which show continuing growth at a considerable rate. Likewise, these positive growth levels are creating both the urgency and the confidence for CSPs to undertake substantial investment projects.”


Network security strategy is becoming more sophisticated and diverse

The survey found that UK respondents’ top three priorities for network security investments were:

  • 32% simplification and integration of disparate, disconnected point security solutions.
  • 32% ransomware and malware protection services.
  • 30% upgrading firewalls.

Anthony Webb continues: “Although upgrading firewalls and other security appliances was in the top 3, this was less dominant than it was two years ago when we did our first CSP survey. This points to the fact that today’s network security strategy must be wide-ranging, with a well-rounded approach that can handle the full spectrum of emerging threats to maintain a high quality, reliable, and secure service for customers.”


Providers are working to close the digital divide

Alongside investing in network security, UK CSPs are planning to expand their networks to reach unserved or underserved communities:

  • 63% of UK respondents say they are expanding their networks to unserved/underserved communities.
  • 49% are planning to expand for an uplift of more than 10% of their current subscriber base.
  • 14% are expanding for an uplift of more than 50%.
  • 37% are planning to build additional data centres and expand to provide additional capacity for other service providers.

Anthony Webb added: “Connecting communities is central to reducing inequality and supporting digital opportunities, so it is heartening to see this positive direction of travel. Combining this with robust security strategies will result in more people and communities worldwide benefitting from safe, reliable digital services.”


Enterprise cloud migration is having a positive impact

Enterprise cloud migration has been a strong trend over the past decade, accelerated by the pandemic. The survey found that UK CSPs are now focusing on finding the right mix of cloud services to support future plans:

  • Overall, 69% of UK respondents report a positive outcome related to their cloud transition.
  • 27% say it has directly generated revenue.
  • 21% say they have evolved to offer public cloud and managed data centre services.
  • 21% now have differentiated services that have increased their relevance to customers.

Anthony Webb comments: “It is interesting to see that one in four CSPs say they have gained revenue as customers have distributed workloads and data centre functions between private, on premises and public cloud. This cloud transition is also evident when it comes to key purchasing criteria for network equipment, as being in a cloud-native form factor was a must-have criteria, with 30% saying this.”


IPv6 transition remains an ongoing challenge

Worldwide demand, as CSPs globally add more subscribers, has made IPv4 addresses scarce. Providers therefore need to plan for transition to IPv6. However, the survey shows that only 34% of UK respondents expect to achieve this in the next 2-3 years.

  • More than one third (34%) are adopting a strategy of carefully managing their IPv4 pools and gradually transitioning to IPv6.
  • 32% aim to run the two in parallel.

Anthony Webb concludes: “This shows that CSPs are adopting a more cautious approach to IPv6 adoption, leveraging existing investment and carefully managing existing IPv4 addresses or running the two in parallel, rather than accelerating full transition plans.

“A10 Networks’ Global Communication Service Providers: Market Growth Fuels Security Investments report shows that CSPs are at a crucial point as they aim to capitalise on demand and seize opportunities to grow and diversify their business. To realise their full potential, service providers need to scale and protect their networks so the infrastructure they provide is secure and highly available.”

The global report also contains analysis of variations between individual countries and regions surveyed. Download the full report here: Global Communication Service Providers: Market Growth Fuels Security Investments

*Methodology: A10 Networks commissioned a survey, undertaken by an independent research organisation, Opinion Matters, in January 2023. 2,750 senior IT professionals from a range of communications service providers were surveyed from a variety of operators including: mobile, fixed-line telecom, cable, converged, MVNO and MVNA and OTT providers. This is the second global research survey A10 Networks has undertaken into the communication service provider environment expanding on the previous study conducted in 2021. Markets surveyed were UK, Southern Europe, US, Germany, India, Middle East, Benelux, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, Nordics, Central & South America.

A10 Networks (NYSE: ATEN) provides secure application services for on-premises, multi-cloud and edge-cloud environments at hyperscale. Our mission is to enable service providers and enterprises to deliver business-critical applications that are secure, available and efficient for multi-cloud transformation and 5G readiness.

We deliver better business outcomes that support investment protection, new business models and help future-proof infrastructures, empowering our customers to provide the most secure and available digital experience. Founded in 2004, A10 Networks is based in San Jose, Calif. and serves customers globally. For more information, visit and follow us @A10Networks.

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